Course Details:

Instructor - John Rueter
Professor, Environmental Sciences and Management
Course studio (Blackboard):
CRN: 44657
lecture time: Thursday from 2 to 4:30
room: CH 53


Vocabulary 3 has been posted.

The quiz 2 preparation guide is available. This should help you prepare for quiz 2 next Thursday (Mar 4)

Vocabulary 2 has been updated.



Lab Details:

Lab schedule
You are required to be in one of the lab sections.
All labs are in SB2 149
102L section 1 - 2:00 PM to 4:20 PM Friday (Hannah)
102L section 2 - 11:30 AM to 1:50 PM Friday (Brian)
102L section 3 - 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM Tuesday (Brian)
102L section 4 - 9:00 AM to 11:20 AM Monday (Hannah)
102L section 5 - 9:00 AM to 11:20 AM Thursday (Tara)
TAs for the lab are:

Brian Turner (
Hannah McDonald (
Tara Chesnut (

Syllabus, contains information about:

purpose of the course
learning objectives
reading assignments
online quizzes


student resonsibilities
conduct code

Vocabulary lists:

vocabulary list 1 (lectures 1-4)
vocabulary list 2 (lectures 5 - 8)
vocabulary list 3 (lectures 9&10)


Date - lecture # Lecture topics Reading Assignments
Jan 07 - Lecture 1 Introduction, course details
multiple perspectives framework
I = P * A * T
demographic transition

MP - framework
MP- Systems view
wiki - I_PAT
EofE - population growth
wiki - demographic trans.

Jan 14 - Lecture 2

Environment and poverty
Environment and health

MP - Values in science
MP - Choice and decisions
EofE - climate & health
EofE - water & poverty

practice mini-quiz - due 1/17/10 by 11:59 PM.
Jan 21 - Lecture 3

Human energy use and sources: world vs. USA
Fossil fuel, CO2, and climate change

MP - risk and uncertainty
wiki - Fossil fuels
wiki - US energy use
wiki - Oil Reserves
wiki - Total energy consumption
EofE - Net Energy

on-line mini-quiz 1 by 11:59 PM on Sunday 1/24/10
Jan 28 - Lecture 4 Energy: saving energy through efficiency
Energy: embedded vs. operating
Renewable energy

MP - environmental accounting
EofE - Carbon footprint
EofE - Renewable energy
wiki - negawatt
other - genuine progress indicator

delayed until Tuesday

on-line mini-quiz 2

Feb 04 - Lecture 5

Water: resources
Water: Pollution
In-class quiz

MP - institutions
EofE - hydrologic cycle
EofE - water use
wiki- water pollution

sceond half of class - starting at 3:15 in classs quiz 1 (lectures 1 thru 4)
quiz1 prep guide

Feb 11 - Lecture 6 Water: critical limitations
-------- human impacts
-------- scale effective approaches
**** - embedded water


Feb 18 - Lecture 7 Agriculture

wiki - Agriculture
wiki - Green Revolution
wiki - Food vs. Fuel
wiki - Food security

on-line mini-quiz 3
on water
Feb 25 - Lecture 8

Principles of Sustainabity
Sustainable food production

wiki- Sustainability
eoe - Sustainability
wiki - Food Security
wiki - permaculture

on-line mini-quiz 4
on agriculture and sustainability
Mar 04 - Lecture 9

Land use

eoe - Land use change
wiki - Urbanization
wiki - Surban Sprawl
eoe - Smart Growth

quiz 2 (lect 5 - 8)
will start at 3:10
Mar 11 - Lecture 10

integrated management:
uncertainty and risk of different scenarios

MP - Uncertainty and Risk
MEA - Millenium ecosystem assessment (pages vi, 1 thru 7, 72 thru 74)
MP - Games

FINAL EXAM - Thursday March 18 at 2 PM : quiz 3 (lect 9 - 10) and quiz 4 (comprehensive)