
Vocabulary List

see vocabulary for lectures 9 thru 17

Lecture word short definition
Lecture 1 wicked problem

problems that require complex information but have the outcomes have poor alignment of values between different groups or between individual needs and group needs

example: whether or not to cover the Portland water reservoirs

  adaptive management process of management by treating manipulations as experiments and trying to both improve the outcomes AND decrease uncertainty for future management
  scientific paradigm

a set of accepted practices for the discussion and practice of science

example: reductionism

  world views

coherent set of values and actions

example: cornucopian, industrial ecologist, committed environmentalist, deep ecologist

  problem based science questions are defined by environmental issues and investigators may be looking for evidence of problems to avoid rather than certainty
  curiosity based science questions arise from desire to understand how the natural world works and investigators need to show strong proof of their results
Lecture 2 CPR problem

common pool resource in which users can't effectivley be excluded from using the resource and the resource can be depleted

example: ocean fishing

  modernism (with respect to science) two tenents are important, 1) belief in technology and that bigger, faster and more efficient is better, and 2) because everything can be described by smaller parts, all legitimate descriptions will converge to one general description
  traditional science vs. emerging view that is more dynamic

traditional view is static truth and a focus on steady state or fixed processes, dyamic view is that the conditions are always changing and that important processes could pulse

example: traditional succession goes to a steady state climax forest but the more dynamic view includes (builds on the traditional view) with patchiness and intermediate disturbances

Lecture 3 "solve in the pattern"  

patterns of interaction

  likelihood vs. proof of cause  
  precautionary principle in the absence of proof or in the face of uncertainty, choose the path that leads to the least damage
  risk calculated from probabilities for exposure and harm
  uncertainty (for this class) the portion of the problem that can't be known
Lecture 4 logistic model a particular formulation of a growth model that has rapid initial growth but slows down as the population level reaches the carrying capacity
  landscape processes  
  mosaic a pattern on the landscape that has irregular patches
  cellular automata

a type of model that follows what happens in a set of grid squares based on simple rules from one time point to the next, and repeats to form patterns

example: we saw many examples of this, such as the forest fire simulation

Lecture 5 metabolism

the balance between the energy and material flow for an organism

example: the food a deer eats and the path that the energy and biochemical constituents of that food follow

  closed system/open system no interaction with the outside/ internaction with the outside
  mass and energy balance an accounting for the starting and energy mass (such as atoms of C, N, and P) and energy
  steady state

the condition of a system that shows a fixed level in the stock because the inputs equal the outputs

  positive or negative feedback increased input results in control on the input either reinforcing (positive) or reducing (negative) the rate of subsequent input
  trophic levels

feeding levels, i.e. distance of an organism from the ultimate energy source (sun energy to plants)

example: primary producers, consumers, etc.

  population an interbreeding group of one species
  community multiple populations of different species and trophic levels that interact at one location
  ecosystem the biological community and the physical environment
Lecture 6 photosynthesis biological process that converts light energy to chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates
  carbon dioxide fixation the enzymatic process that takes free carbon dioxide molecules and (using photosynthesis) converts them to organic carbon such as carbohydrates - the carbon dioxide is locked into organic molecules instead of being free molecules
  co-flow model using a systems model to link, not combine, the flow of two different entities such as energy and material, carbon and nitrogen
  competition multiple species using the same resource (and the resource is depletable, by definition), within a trophic level
  predator-prey interaction one species uses another species as a food resource, across trophic levels
  energy or biomass pyramid energy use by trophic level is a pyramid because a large amount of usable energy is lost at each predator-prey interaction, most energy is availble to the primary producers and least is available to the top predator - biomass doesn't have to form a pyramid
Lecture 7 hydrologic cycle the flow of water from the ocean, to atmosphere, to precipitation over land, to runoff back to the ocean
  evapotranspiration water movement through plants to the atmosphere through evaporative loss
  C, N, or P cycle the paths of these elements through different compounds as a result of biological, human, and geological processes
  Haber-Bosch process using electricity to fix N2 gas into ammonia, used to make fertilizer and munitions
  fast-slow processes systems and network description of how there are processes in the same system that can proceed at very different rates, example urban development (fast) vs. build up of toxins in the soil (slow)
  tipping point or threshold a state of a system that is poised to possibliy make a large change
Lecture 8 boom & bust cycle population growth pattern in which rapid growth to a high population is followed by a crash back down to a lower (not zero) level
  irruptions a population growth pattern that shows extreme growth when conditions are just right, happens infrequently
example: tent catepillars
  food webs multiple species in each trophic level connected through predator-prey relationships
  food chain trophic level simplification of a food web, or simple system with only one species at each trophic level
  keystone species an organism that has a strong influence on the structure of the ecosystem without being the major species or producer, examples are alligators, elephants, otters, fruit bats
  stability from weak links

the network concept that ecosystem stability is enhanced by a myriad of non-trophic relationships that have weak but highly specific dependencies such as trees for bird nests.


last modified December 5, 2009 by John Rueter