Study Guide for Quiz 2
Time and format:
Value and scoring:
Material you are responsible for:
Example questions:Vocabulary questions will be pulled from the vocabulary. They will be in a format such as "Define co-evolution". A short phrase is usually sufficient.
Multiple choice on the concepts will be very similar to those on the mini-quizzes. The main concepts are the ones that I devoted time to in class. These questions are not meant to be tricky, but you are to choose the best, most complete answer. An alternative answer may be true but not correct because it is not as complete as one of the alternatives. For example:
Multiple choice on details of the viewers will be similar to what was asked on the mini-quizzes. The difference in these questions is that you should focus you answer on the chapter readings. The answer should be very straightforward. Example 1: The resilience of a network is determined by:
Example 2: What scale is probably most appropriate for studying intermediate disturbances:
Short answer essays will address how well you can bring together vocabulary, concepts and the viewers. You will be expected to answer a question using specific vocabulary. Example: