Lecture 5 |
October 13, 2009 |
Brief outline of the day:
- Introduction to "systems" viewer
- principles of systems
- flow of energy and material through organisms, communities, ecosystems
- Announcments: mini-quiz #1 due Friday at mid-night
Lecture Notes: |
Introduction to systems viewer
- viewers
- purpose of their use
- patterns-likelihood
- systems -
salient features
- measurable quantities flowing between different compartments
Study of ecological material and energy flow
- metabolism of an individual organism
- population - group of same species
- community - flow of energy and material through multiple different types of organisms working together
- ecosystem - biological and physical environment
ecological hierarchy and trophic diagram |
Principles of the systems view
- principles with examples
- key relationships
- open or closed system
- mass and energy balance
- flow limitation and control
- steady state
- positive or negative feedback
systems - principles
chapter 5
systems - feedback |