Assignment 1
This assignment is worth 10 points. Please see the late work policy.
This assignment should be emailed to your instructor on or before xxxx.
As a group, create one page that has the following information:
All your names and emails.
Give your group a reasonable and descriptive name (such as the Freeway Underpass Mushroom Growers).
A map of the site that you are choosing to study (cut and paste from Google Maps or similar).
The two or three hypotheses about biodiversity that you are planning to compare for your site.
A short statement, from your group's perpective, about why it is important that you address the loss and preservation of biodiversity.
Include a picture that might represent a reason to preserve biodiversity. You can take or get from some other source. If you get it from another source, you must attribute that source. If it is your own picture, please provide it as approximately 400 x 300 pixel JPG.
This assignment will be posted to our class wiki site that all of the groups in all the labs will have access to, and may be made public for anyone to see. It is important that your work is high quality.
The wiki site is at One member of your group will have to log on and request access to post the page. Everyone will be able to see the results. You will post your work in the directory for your particular lab (such as Tue at noon, etc).
Your email will not be made public in any of our class work.