This is a short paper (3 to 5 pages) that describes your area (or probable area of research) and addresses the questions that have been discussed in the first part of this course, namely:
How would you characterize the types of scientific approaches you will be employing (pure through consultancy)?
Are the research methods and statistical tools consistent with that general approach?
What part of your work will follow an existing paradigm? Is there a part of your work that would be counter to the basic paradigms that you see in your area?
How is your work considered inter-, multi-, or trans-disciplinary? How does this factor into your work plan? Paper 2 will be more about the positive and negative aspects of interdisciplinary work in general.
The main audience for this paper should be me and your colleagues in the class. A well written paper would provide some of your insight to others in the class and some guidance for the PhD program director. That insight maybe implied, you don't have to directly make recommendations for the program or other students.