

Contact Information

John Rueter
office is SB1 414
office phone 503 725 3194
no posted office hours yet

General course expections

This is a senior and graduate level course. We will be relying on a text and primary literature for information sources. Students are expected to search the primary literature and obtain multiple possible articles and then select from those articles based on the question being addressed.

There will be multiple mathematical models used in this course. All of these models will be constructed in Excel. There will be assignments that construct these models.

In class discussion will be an important method for learning and evaluating the material. Students are expected to attend class, be on time and be involved in the class. During times when we are construcing models during in-class time, students are expected to be attending to the matter at hand (not handling other on-line demands).

All work and decorum during class should be of professional quality.

Resources for the class

The text for this class is Reynolds "Ecology of Phytoplankton".

The lecture outlines, other notes, and resources will be available at this website:

We will not use D2L for this course.

Other important information

General policies for ESM can be found at this link: including:

Student sickness: Students must not attend class if they have a communicable disease. Students must not bring sick children to the campus either.

Group work policy: Group work is highly encouraged for this course but all assignments must be the sole responsibility of individuals. If you have any questions, please ask the instructor.

In-class electronic devices rule: