



GoBox - recycled food containers

recylable trays for food cart to reduce waste for a host of small food carts or caterers

Greenbelt seedlings


Wangarii Mathaii's project to protect farm land by planting trees, microfinance, good envirornmental stewardship leads to good governance

Wildlife bounties


example of bounty programs which might be the oldest env/social entrepreneurial system. If the right bounty and catch are established, agencies can simply outsource the pike minnow

solar energy clubs


roof top coops for purchasing panels and getting power - San Francisco example

wetland banks

Willamette Partnership, wetland remediation bank needs to address loss of valuable wetlands but with a process to certify and monetorize the wetland parcels. There is a risk of natural, ecosystem failure. There are also many other ecosytem benefits that may not be captured by simple wetland bank replacement financial schemes.
Land trusts Land owners deed easements for purposes of general good from private property: definition of property rights are the gap in agreement
Interface carpets cradle-to-cradle, intra-business solutions to reduce waste

start up EV company

lightweight motocycle-type vehicle for commuting

treadle pumps


sell treadle pumps to increase agricultural production for small farmers

see also examples.xlxs