


Can I take an intership to meet a departmental requirement?

Yes, ESM 404 can substitute for one of the 400 level courses required by either environmenal science or studies degree.

Are there better job opportunities in one degree vs. the other?

We think the opportunities are equal, but...

The Environmental Sciences degree is more uniform and it is easier to explain your focus on the environmental field. We think that a well designed curriculum and a crafted resume' is essential.

What is the difference between an internship and a UNST capstone?

UNST Capstones have very specific requirements including group processes. ESM internship credit can be awarded for individual projects.

If I want a job with X what is the best degree to get

For this type of question, you should study the Advising and Career Services website. There's no simple answer.

Where can I find how my courses will transfer to PSU?

PSU subscribes to an excellent site called "Transferology". You have to create an account and then you can explore how your courses transfer. see this site at:

Where can I find information about internships for Environmental Studies or Environmental Science degrees?

There are three resources:

or sign up for the ESM student listserv and just keep track

Is one degree harder than the other?

The Env Sci degree requires more math, biology and chemistry and sometimes students mention that these courses are challenging. However, the courses in both degrees should be equally challenging and rigorous. It's a matter of personal perception.

Should I go to graduate school right after graduating?

Unlike the sibling sciences of biology and chemistry, many practioners and scholars in environmental sciences and management do not go straight to graduate school. Even in our PSU ESM faculty, almost all of us held environmental jobs of some sort between UG and grad school. If you are considering graduate school as an option, you should talk with an advisor and discuss what area you might want to pursue and how to prepare for that.

What is the entry level math required for environmental science degrees?


Are the same biology and chemistry courses required for both majors?



last updated Dec 5, 2015