Week 1 Assignments


Reading in the text - "Diagnosing & Engaging with Complex Environmental Problems"

Full text available at: http://www.johnrueter.com

Reading with links to individual chapters (in pdf):


Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2 (scan) and Chapter 3


Readings from Wikipedia and Encyclopedia of Earth:


On-line activities:

to explore the idea of consumption and how it varies around the world

material world - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/worldbalance/material.html

look at each and click the link to see the pictures


After watching the videos below - calculate your consumption compared to other people in the world with this water footprint calculator:

be sure to get to the second part about water embedded in food production



ways to visualize our (American's) impact on our environment

Nat Geog footprtint (intro)- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8Iw0TH2czQ&feature=related

episode 1 - resource use during different phases of life- 10 minutes

episode 2 - food (eggs, carbohydrates)

You may also want to watch these (optional)

episode 6 - appliances and coal,
embedded energy, chemicals and water in a laptop

episode 7 - paper,