
Week 8 assessment feedback

The first four questions were autograded.

1. 2 points -



4. This was an all or nothing - you had to check the right ones and not check the "better nutrition" one to get a point.

5. (2 points) Agriculture is a great illustration of the principle that "everything is connected". Give an example of a small improvement to the environment that you could make with urban agriculture that would bring in other benefits to the economy, social and educational.

What are the other improvements that would augment the small change you made?

Need to elaborate on what the benefits are to social, economic and educational.


6. (3 points) Describe, in your own words, how we can use scenarios to explore the uncertainty in environmental decisions. Focus on how the different world views project different scenarios for global climate change. What do you think is the worst match between choice of world view to solve problems and potential outcome (i.e. choice of approach vs. actual outcome). Why is this mismatch so bad? How does this help us deal with the uncertainty of the future?

see the response to the the week8 in class assessment also

Scenarios are possible futures that play out with a given set of values and policies. Current assumptions about what the future will be, but what if it is a different set of parameters (i.e. a different world view)?

Comparing multiple scearios is a way to generate an idea of the risk of choosing one scenario - i.e. play it against other possible futures.

It's not possible to use multiple worldviews - because they inherently are in conflict. For example, you can't really do egalitarian version of order from strength.