1 through 4 were autograded
Q1 - from the class notes
Q2 - hardly anyone missed this
Q3 - The design revolution by Polack works on scale appropriate (i.e. human or community scale) solutions that can involve funding from corporations, help people earn more money and support designs that can be used by 90% of the population in developing nations. Many governments are only able to provide single solutions that have to work for the whole country - i.e. large scale and universal solutions.
Q4 - The canals that were mentioned in the video were recent attempts by governments to ship water across areas of India. The video focused on elaborate and exquisitely engineered mechanism to collect meager rainfall and store it for use later.
Q5 (2 points) - Describe how watershed restoration can actually increase the availability of water. What are some of the values of this environmental restoration to the community?
the best answer should have had:
to say that more water is valuable because there is more water is missing the point of the question and efforts
Q6 (3 points) -Explain how different parameters for an LCA for diapers can lead to very different outcomes. Give several key facts that come from this LCA. What environmental decision could be made based on this accounting approach?
the best answer should have had: