Week 5 - Learning Objectives |
Source* | specific learning objective These are concepts that you should know or know how to find quickly. |
Lecture notes |
Why is water a renewable resource? Where does the energy come from that drives this set of processes? Give a short description of the hydrologic cycle. What are several main reservoirs in the hydrologic cycle? What are the major processes that connect these. In terms of the "systems view", is the global hydrological cycle an open or closed system? In terms of the hydrologic cycle, what is a drought?
Lecture notes & E of Earth |
What amount of the total water in the world is available as freshwater? How much of this is actually surface liquid form? Where does ground water come from and why is this reservoir so important? What is the majority of groundwater used for? What is the biggest user of surface water? Compare the graphics on freshwater stress and major uses of water (i.e. agricultural, industrial or domestic). Name a general region that seems to have the appropriate amount of water for their use. What are a few areas that are really stressed?
L | Besides running water down the river, polluting water is another form of loss. Describe why polluted water is lost. What are some of the acute (immediate) effects of water pollution? Give some examples of scary chronic (delayed or cumulative) impacts of polluted water. What is your approximate survival water requirement? What are the other personal choice uses of water. What does water use efficiency for crops mean? What are the units and give an example.
Video - Maathai | Wangari Maathai made the connection between deforestation (for cash crops) and loss of water. What did she do that eventually earned her the Nobel Prize? What was the underlying financial model that lead to this transformation?
Video - China pollution | Why is the issue of pollution so much more critical in China? What is the "green GDP" compared to the normal GDP? Why do these analysts think the green GDP was de-emphasized?
case study on drought |
Describe the interactions between water and energy in Kenya during the drought. Whats the debate between the IPCC - that predicts that the temperature will increase and rain decrease do the climate change - vs. more cautious proponents that think it's just due to normal climate fluctuation and population increase? This case study demonstrates that it's not the amount of water in the year but the seasonality and distribution. Explain what this means.
wiki - water pollution
List four different forms of water pollution and give an example of each. What are some causes of agricultural pollution? What's the difference between point source and non-point source.
Analysis and Synthesis questions: This is a 3 point question on the quiz, so it's worth thinking about. |
Water is another example of the I=PAT relationship. From the figures on the Freshwater page in E of Earth, describe a situation where population, affluence and technology all contribute to the impact of water use on the environment.
Water resources are threatened by climate change, pollution and increased population demand. Describe each, and give an example. Make up a scenario where there is potential interactions between these factors that would make it worse (i.e. synergistic, more damaging interactions). | |