1. Lecture slides and notes:

a. Energy use in the United States and the World

  • by type of energy
  • by use or sector of the economy
  • see wiki pages below


b. Geological reserves

  • mining of minerals and energy sources have damaging impacts on the Earth
  • mineral resources
    • metals such as aluminum, copper and iron
    • resources are limited
    • can change the depletion time by recycling
    • prices can drive depletion
  • energy such as coal
    • energy is not recyclable <-- this is a key point
    • "recycling" metals is very different process than trying to find "renewable" energy
  • amount of reserves
    depends on the certainty of knowing that it exists and the economics of extraction (i.e. mining)


  undiscovered discovered  
RESERVES economical


c. Non-renewable energy - such as fossil fuels

  • Fossil fuels
    • came from buried plant, algae and other biomass put under pressure for a long time
  • oil or coal reserves
    • known reserves
    • predicted reserves
      • detection
      • change in methods or cost allow more reserves to be cost-effect
    • unknown and uncertain

d. Depletion of fossil fuel reserves

  • depends on
    • amount available
    • use rate and cost
    • increase in use
      • economic growth
      • population growth
  • Hubbert "bubble" - see the simulation
    • use per year vs. year

e. Comparison of non-renewable energy sources

  • advantages and disadvantages of:
  • (the potential damage from these sources)
    • oil
    • natural gas
    • coal
    • nuclear
      • nuclear fuel cycle, not just plant operation


f. Impact of fossil fuels

We hear a lot about global warming or global climate change but there are other impacts

  • global climate change - estimated impacts of business as usual
    • warming
    • extreme weather (hurricanes and droughts)
    • flooding
    • sea level rise
  • other environmental impacts
    • pollution from combustion furnaces and engines
    • mercury from coal
    • urban pollution from cars
  • risks from fossil fuels
    • oil spills
    • oil well leaks and fires
    • inter-nation strife


g. Net energy - the only energy that really counts

"net energy" is what counts

85% x 85% =   72%
80% x 80% x 80% = 51%
70% x 70% x 70% = 34%
30% x 30% x 30% = 2.7 %


h. preview of next lecture

  • renewable energy sources and impacts
  • energy efficiency
  • life-cycle analysis and embedded energy in the structures
  • looking for total quality of life and genuine progress, not just economic gain


2. In-class assessment:




3. Reading in the text - "Multiple Perspectives and Approaches to Complex Environmental Problems"

Chapter 8: Risk, Uncertainty and Indeterminancy


4. Readings from Wikipedia and Encyclopedia of Earth:


5. On-line activities:


Amory Lovins describes his plan to use technologies to change the economy and eliminate dependence on fossil fuels.


natural resource bubble

natural resource bubble extended using recycling


6. Learning objectives:

week 3 learning objectives


7.On-line assessment:


go to D2L and look for week3-assessment

due by Monday night at 11:59 PM


8. Assessment feedback





last edited by John Rueter on Mon, January 23, 2012