
Week 10 assessment feedback

1. How is I=PAT related to the estimate of risk and uncertainty? Give two important points that can be used to compare or contrast these concepts.

impact can be result of these three types of factor

the actual impact might be estimated by risk, probability of some impact

we might have to deal with uncertainty of impact (caused by things we can't know) by avoiding the worst cased scenarios

need specifics about how impact is different or the same as risk

student response:

Both are methods of analysis that aid in our understanding of management decisions, but the 'Ipat' equation is a tool to analyze the structure of interacting factors in the problem being addressed, while risk and uncertainty are implicit in any situation, whether it be the problem, our own analysis, or a possible solution. In other words, risk and uncertainty are far more general than the IPAT equation. One could easily see how risk and uncertainty could factor into IPAT; developing technologies to solve a problem could affect the technology factor in the IPAT equation, or management solutions could just as easily increase population or affluence, leading to more environmental impact then before. So in a way, although IPAT can be used to understand past problems, its consideration in terms of future solutions is a method of addressing risk and uncertainty, e.g. identifying potential risks and reducing uncertainty. Again, though, risk and uncertainty are far broader than IPAT, and only limited dimensions of them can be addressed through it.


2. How is the systems idea of positive and negative feedback related to the world views? Give two important points that can be used to compare or contrast these concepts.

world views are based on myths of nature that have different estimates of how robust or sensitive nature is: individualist - nature will recover (neg feedback); hierachist - nature is robust but needs some help (weak neg feedback), egalitarian - nature can go into a vicious cycle of decay (positive feedback)

by definition, world views are self-reinforcing sets of concepts and values which is a type of positive feedback


3. How is the concept that everything is connected related to the method of using multiple perspectives? Give two important points that can be used to compare or contrast these concepts.

everything could be connected but in different ways that would only be apparent if you used multiple ways to view the situation

when everything is connected, little actions may cause big outcomes -- need to use multiple perspectives to guard against unwanted consequences


4. How is the concept of uncertainty related to the method of using an accounting procedure to support a decision? Give two important points that can be used to compare or contrast these concepts.

expand more on how accounting (for known facts) leads to defining the areas of uncertainty


5 . How are world views (relative to environmental problems) related to using innovation and entrepreneurism? Give two important points that can be used to compare or contrast these concepts.


example student answer

Enterpreneurism and innovation can sometimes be in place where there is less control from government, therefore hierarchist position intrinsically does not support innovation unless it does so on purpose. In my opinion, government can support innovation, but not necessarily does and it is more of a choice of the government. Even when it does, it is usually very controled, so it's more like a system. Although I am not saying it's not possible.

On the other hand, individualist view is very self-centered and in some sense egoistic, therefore innovation and enterpreneurism can work in that group if and only when it supports individual perspective and not group as a whole. For example, if innovation benefits certain household, I see how individualistic perspective will try to come up with innovation, but if it does not benefit anyone (just done for the sake of invention) or benefit someone else rather than individualistic person, innovation will not produce hige results.

Egalitarian person supports the cause and is willing to cooperate. I think if given the right cause, the egalitarian person can bring the most benefit from enterpreneurism and innovation. For example, I see that those are the people who would travel somewhere to help others to come up with innovative solutions.