WEEK 1 |
Each week you should expect to work through these eight components.
1. Lecture slides and notes:
Orientation to a hybrid format
How we address problems with environmental science
definition of a "problem" entails values
addressing environmental problems with science
two types of science
Problem types
wicked problems
Don't blame problems on bad intentions, evil or greed
- People acting with good intentions can cause problems
- different views of how the world works, from how it actually works
- no appreciation for the delicacy of ecosystems or sensitivity of
- apparent lack of the ability to account for beauty or health in their decisions
** in class input **
some problems are traps
our theory of change
Quote from Ophulus (2011), Plato's Revenge: politics in the age of ecology.
"We require a new moral, legal, and political order that cannot be imposed from the top down but that must instead percolate up as the consequence of an intellectual and moral reformation."
Multiple Perspectives framework
- we get into trouble when we don't consider all the viewpoints and time scales
- some of the limitations of our normal human cognitive patterns can be over-ridden by intentionally looking for and trying to understand different perspectives
- we need innovation to solve our problems and this can come from mixing different approaches
- multiple cognitive tools help us connect with multiple value systems
Preview of course and issues we will adress
- population
- demographic transition
- traps for economic development
- environment and a healthy population
- energy use
- efficiency and "rebound" effect
- side effects
- impact on society
- technologies that can help many people
- water
- direct use
- embedded consumption
- agriculture
- land, water, energy
- food
- biofuels
- urbanization
- scale of cities
- technologies
- paradigm shift to include values
- need major intervention, correction and improvement strategies
- all of us can be involved
Assignments for the week
2. In-class assessment:
Give an example of an environmental problem that was caused by people doing what they thought was the right thing to do (not because of greed or fear).
3. Reading in the text - "Multiple Perspectives and Approaches to Complex Environmental Problems"
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Major concepts - scan
Chapter 3: The nine viewers and the Framework
4. Readings from Wikipedia and Encyclopedia of Earth:
5. On-line activities:
to explore the idea of consumption and how it varies around the world
material world - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/worldbalance/material.html
ways to visualize our (American's) impact on our environment
Nat Geog footprtint (intro)- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8Iw0TH2czQ&feature=related
Nat Geog video-
Also watch the first two, and consider the second two.
episode 1 - resource use during different phases of life- 10 minutes
episode 2 - food (eggs, carbohydrates)
episode 6 - appliances and coal,
embedded energy, chemicals and water in a laptop
episode 7 - paper,
calculate your consumption compared to other people in the world with this water footprint calculator:
be sure to get to the second part about water embedded in food production
6. Learning objectives:
week1 learning objectives
7. Link to the quiz:
This week only - the introductory quiz is worth 5 points and is due by Friday at 11:59 PM. These will normally be due by Sunday at midnight.
go to D2L
8. Quiz feedback
normally posted after the quiz is due