Hybrid Course Instructions

ESM 102 is a "hybrid" course which means that there is a face-to-face lecture section, significant on-line assignments, and normal load of homework (such as reading and preparation).

In addition, this course has a "workshop" format for the lab. You will meet with the TAs in smaller groups once a week for only an hour and there are three workshops that allow you to work on a project or take a field trip.


This course will only meet F2F on Tuesdays from 10:00 to 11:20. During that lecture:

    • feedback on assignments
    • introduction to a few concepts
    • explanation on how to apply one or two different perspectives on these problems
    • classroom assessment to see how we are all doing
    • set the context for the next set of readings


Outside of class, during the week and before Sunday at midnight of each week

    1. read the chapters from the text which is available on line
    2. review notes used in lecture, work through a simulation, watch a video clip that is related to the topic
    3. work on the application assignment (guided questions)
    4. read the content articles for the next week
    5. complete the on-line assignment in Blackboard

It may get confusing sometimes, so it will be important to check the schedule on the home page for this course.

The lab-section is required and is worth 1/4 of your total grade. Please see the lab syllabus schedule that is available on the D2L site for your lab.


My suggestion - go to every lecture and set a schedule for yourself when you will do the assignments so that you don't forget. Don't leave the assignments until Monday at 11 PM, because it will take you more time than that. I think you'll actually learn more if you work on the course some on multiple days, rather than all in one pulse.

Here's an example calendar:

Tue attend lecture 10 to 11:20
Wed do the follow up reading, simulation and watch the video
Thur do the reading, simulation and make notes on the application questions
Fri read the content pages for the next lecture and then do the on-line assignment on D2L
Sat maybe field trip for lab - other legal social activities
Sun sleep in - cram for the other courses you are taking that aren't as fun as this one
Mon review your schedule, feedback from the assignment and lecture notes

last updated on January 7, 2012 by John Rueter