
last updated December 31, 2013

Introduction to Environmental Science
ESM 102 - hybrid section


We are offering a hybrid section for ESM 102 (one lecture and the rest on-line). This hybrid section parallels the fully online section. and the workshop laboratory sections that are taught on campus. There are several key features of this class:

  • Each week is a unit that has a set of assignments
  • Each week has a laboratory session that helps build the background and skills
  • There are workshops that you will have to attend.


Special Instructions

An orientation module is available here and on D2L.

Textbook and other materials

The week-by-week lecture notes are available at:

The textbook is the draft of a text being written by Professor Rueter. It is available for free online (as a pdf file) at:

Smaller sections of the text are also availalbe at that same site.


Contact information

Professor John Rueter
Environmental Science and Management Department
Portland State University