Week 5 Crux Questions Feedback
General comments: Attempt to use the accounting approach - observe, report, decide - on issues of water resource use. It is not necessary to get a right answer to the issue. Water resources can be categorized by the processes that renew them: reservoirs from streams and rivers, ground water from recharge, snowpack from snowfall, etc. These all have characteristic strengths and weaknesses.
Q1. One of the goals of accounting is to create the accounts that help sort the information. A useful set is to categorize water resources by the processes that renew them. For example water that can be renewed from rain directly, rivers, or groundwater recharge.
Apply this approach to the freshwater sources in your local area. How would this information help make a decision about water sources in your region?
Expected points to address:
My comments to students: + snowfall has different outcomes than rain -You need to address how accounting helps makes decisions I would have liked you to be more explicit about the decisions that could be made under low rain years, and how this accounting approach would help. For example, when there is low rain, need to switch to well water.
Example of a really good answer:
Q2. The concept of "embedded" water accounts for all of the water it takes to make a product including irrigation and processing. However, the amount of water to grow crops varies depending on the crop and climate. Discuss this in terms of using this type of accounting to save water in agriculture. Expected points to address:
My comments to students: What information do you need to identify the choices or make decisions? that's the guts of the answer, but what is the accouning approach that supports this decision? that's the key question that this approaches illuminates - Do those other areas allow for more renewable water so that the overall embedded water is lessened?