
Week 6 Fieldtrip: The grand transect


  1. To orient students to the natural landscape in the metro area with regards to natural areas and cooridors
  2. to show how to observe across multiple scales - from full city to small park
  3. students should understand how the reconnaisance aspects of a trip like this support research

Schedule and points

Time location/activity
0 leave PSU
30 get to Powell Butte parking lot
45 hike to the top
  • observe all the natural areas/green spaces that connect to the SWC
  • looking east, there is national forest not to far away
  • provides a huge reserve for animals and plant species to flow into the urban area

  hike back down
1 hr 20min

leave drive around the east ide of Powell Butte to Foster and head west

go to 111th and Foster- turn left into the Lents Floodplain area

  • spend about 20 minutes here
  • constant flooding of Johnson Creek
  • green infrastructure
  • metro bought land, removed houses, put in meanders with logs
  • there is a seasonal lake, that fills up and drains out
  • wildlife habitat
  • mitigation for floods and loss of money from damage, lost business, and other costs

1 hr 50 min

get back on Johnson Creek Blvd to 45th, pull into the Johnson Creek Blvd / Tideman Johnson Nature Park
2 hr 10 min

Leave and drive back on Crystal Springs to see the backside of the tideman Johnson park - really nice homes up against these parks

  • Portland had a tax district to
If there is time

Drive to the overlook for Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge - on 7th where it meets Bybee

  • look out over the Ross Island
  • connections from West Portland through the gulleys
  • cooridors under the freeway


0 - leave Portland State

30 min - arrive at Powell Butte in Gresham

15 min - hike to the top