
A simple dynamic model for the Daphnia-AFA:Predator-Prey interaction.

This model is used to demonstrate that it is possible for early season grazing by Daphnia to reduce the bloom densities of AFA later in the season.


The key assumpions of this model are:

when filaments get to reach a certain density, they form colonies faster

AFA filament growth can either be 6% or 9%



Figure 1. Cartoon - Filaments can be grazed by daphnia. Colonies are more resistant to grazing. Conditiosn that favor colony formation will lead to higher bloom densities.


Figure 2. Output if filament growth is held to 6%. Notice the low number of colonies after 4 months.


Figure 3. Filament growth allowed to go to 9%. This leads to more colonies and a higher population.


link to the STELLA model -- AFA-daphnia-UKL



2006 November 10