Underlined name indicates Portland State University student advisee.
Malkemus, D.A., Perkins, R.B., and Palmer, C.D., 2021. Geochemistry and geothermometry of Breitenbush Hot Springs Area, Oregon, USA. Geothermics, 95, 102134.Peterson, C.D., Jol, H.M., Percy, D., Perkins, R., 2020. Use of ground penetrating radar, hydrogeochemical testing, and aquifer characterization to establish shallow groundwater supply to rehabilitated Ni-le’tun Unit Floodplain: Bandon Marsh, Coquille Estuary, Oregon, USA. Journal of Geography and Geology, 12, 25 pp.
Yizhang Liu, Tangfu Xiao, Robert Perkins, Zhengjie Zhu, Yan Xiong, and Zengping Ning, 2017. Geogenic cadmium pollution and potential health risk, with emphasis on black shale. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v 176, p 42-49.
Perkins, R.B., Grey, Z.N., Grathoff, G., Hugo, R., 2016. Characterization of natural and synthetic floating iron surface films and their associated waters. Chemical Geology, v 444, p 16-26.
Anderson, S., Boulanger, M. Glascock, M., Perkins, R., 2016. Geochemical investigation of Late Pre-Contact ceramic productions patterns in Northwest Alaska. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v 6, p 200-210.
Perkins, R.B. and Mason, C.E., 2015. The relative mobility of trace elements from short-term weathering of a black shale. Applied Geochemistry, v 56. p 67-79.
Piper, D.Z. and Perkins, R.B., 2014.
Geochemistry of a marine phosphate deposit: A signpost to phosphogenesis in S.D. Scott (Ed.), Geochemistry
of Mineral Deposits. Volume 13 of Treatise on Geochemistry (Second
Edition), 293-312. Editors-in-chief: Heinrich Holland and Karl
Cummings, M.L., Cady, S.L., and Perkins, R.B., 2009. A tale of two basins: Comparisons and contrasts in the high desert hydrogeology of Steens Mountain, southeastern Oregon in O’Connor, J.E., Dorsey, R.J., and Madin, I.P., eds., Volcanoes to Vineyards: Geologic Field Trips through the Dynamic Landscape of the Pacific Northwest. Geological Society of American Field Guide 15, p. 295-318.
Perkins, R.B., Piper, D.Z., Mason, C.E., 2008. Trace-element budgets in the Ohio/Sunbury Shales of Kentucky: Constraints on ocean circulation and primary productivity in the Devonian-Mississippian Appalachian Basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v 265, p 14-29
Piper, D.Z., Perkins R.B., Howe, H.D, 2007. Rare-earth elements and trace metals as evidence of paleo-redox and paleo-primary productivity for the Phosphoria Formation—A marine phosphate deposit of Permian age. Deep-Sea Research II, v 54, p 1396-1413.
Piper, D.Z., and Perkins, R.B., 2004, A modern vs. Permian black shale – the hydrography, primary productivity, and water-column chemistry of deposition, Chemical Geology, v 206, p 177-197.
Perkins, R.B. and Piper, D.Z., 2004, The Meade Peak member of the Phosphoria Formation: Temporal and spatial variations in sediment geochemistry in Hein, J.R., ed., Life cycle of the Phosphoria Formation: From Deposition to the Post-mining Environment: Handbook of Exploration Geochemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p 73 - 110.
Perkins, R.B. and Foster, A.L., 2004, Mineral affinities and distribution of selenium and other trace elements in black shales and phosphorites of the Phosphoria Formation in Hein, J.R., ed., Life cycle of the Phosphoria Formation: From Deposition to the Post-mining Environment: Handbook of Exploration Geochemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p 251-298.
Hein, J.R., Perkins, R.B., and McIntyre, B., 2004, Evolution of Thought Concerning the Origin of the Phosphoria Formation in Hein, J.R., ed., Life cycle of the Phosphoria Formation: From Deposition to the Post-mining Environment: Handbook of Exploration Geochemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p 19 - 44.
Hein, J.R., McIntyre, B.R., Perkins,
R.B., Piper, D.Z., Evans, J.G., 2004, Rex Chert Member of the
Permian Phosphoria Formation: Composition, with emphasis on elements of
environmental concern in Hein, J.R., ed., Life cycle
of the Phosphoria Formation: From Deposition to the Post-mining
Environment: Handbook of Exploration Geochemistry, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, p 399 - 426.
Perkins, R.B., McIntyre, B., Hein, J.R., and Piper, D.Z., 2003. Geochemistry of Permian rocks from the margins of the Phosphoria Basin_ Lakeridge core, Western Wyoming, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 03-21, 60 p.
Hein, J.R., McIntyre, B., Perkins, R.B., Piper, D.Z., and Evans, J., 2002, Composition of the Rex Chert and associated rocks of the Permian Phosphoria Formation: Soda Springs area, SE Idaho, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 02-345, 30 p.
Perkins, R.B. and Palmer, C. D , 2001, Solubility of chromate hydrocalumite (Ca3Al2O6·CaCrO4·12H2O), 5-75ºC, Cement and Concrete Research, v 31, p 983-992.
Perkins, R.B. and Palmer, C. D., 2000, Solubility of Ca6(Al[OH]6)2SO4·26H2O, the chromate analog of ettringite, 5-75ºC, Applied Geochemistry, v 15, p 1203 – 1218.
Perkins, R.B. and Palmer, C. D., 1999, Solubility of ettringite (Ca6[Al(OH)6)2(SO4)·26H2O at 5 - 75ºC, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v 63, p 1969-1980.
Bershaw, J., Burns, E.R., Cladouhos, T.T., Horst, A.E., Van Houten, B., Hulseman, P. Kane, A., Liu, J.H., Perkins, R.B., Scanlon, D.P., Streig, A.R., Svadlenak, E.E. Uddenberg, M.W., Well, R.E., and Williams, C.F., 2020. An Integrated Feasibility Study of Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage in Portland, OR, USA. Proceedings, 45th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 10-12, SGP-TR-216.
Lite, K.E., Thomasser, E.A., Perkins, R.B., LaMarche, J.L., and Bouchier, A.C., 2019. Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, Oregon. Field Trip Guidebook for Annual Meeting, Cordilleran Section, The Geologic Society of America, Portland, OR, 46 pp.
Malkemus, D.A., Perkins, R.B., and Palmer, C.D., 2017. Geothermometry of Breitenbush Hot Springs, Oregon, USA. Proceedings, 5th Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition (IIGCE). Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia. 7 pp.
Malkemus, D.A., Perkins, R.B., and Palmer, C.D., 2017. Geothermometry of the Breitenbush Hot Springs Area, Oregon, USA. Proceedings, 42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 13-15, SGP-TR-212.
Ahern, E., and Perkins, R., 2017. Hydrogeologic Characterization of the Warren Bench Area, Columbia County, Oregon. Prepared for McNulty Water People’s Utility District, Warren, OR, 34 pp and GIS map package.
Melton, D., Ahern E., and Perkins, R., 2015. Infiltration Testing of Alluvium Deposits, SE Malden Dr, 48th, 49th, Tenino Dr, Tenino Ct. Prepared for the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services, 30 pp.
Dunbar, E.E., and Perkins, R.B., 2015, Hydrostratigraphy of the Prineville Municipal Airport Well Field. Prepared for the City of Prineville, OR, 72 pp.
Perkins, R.B., 2014, Powder X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Bulk Soil Samples. Prepared for HDR, Inc., Portland, OR 21 pp.
Perkins, R.B., 2012, Powder X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Bulk Rock Samples. Prepared for
Washington State Department of Transportation, Olympia, WA, 42 pp.
Wagner, D., Perkins, R.B., and Percy, D., 2012, Hydrogeologic Characterization of Dutch Canyon, Scappoose, Oregon. Prepared for Columbia Soil and Water Conservation District. 129 pp.
Perkins, R.B., 2011, Powder X-ray Diffraction of Oil Shale Samples. Prepared for Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, 30 pp.
Perkins, R.B., and Van Hoose, A.E., 2010. Mineralogical Analysis of Oxidized and Unoxidized Granite to Evaluate Chromium Reduction Potential. Prepared for Environ, Inc., Milwaukie, OR. 54 pp.
Perkins, R.B. and Savoie, Courtney, 2009. South Needy Road Groundwater Investigation – Assessment and Recommendations. Prepared for Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District, Mollala, OR. 8 pp and GIS map package.
Perkins, R.B., 2008. Characterization of Lake Onondaga Sediments. Prepared for S.S. Papadopolus and Associates, Inc., Portland, OR. 47 pp.
Perkins, R.B., 2008. Mineralogical Analysis of Retorted Oil Shale Samples. Prepared for Idaho National Laboratory. 49 pp.
Perkins, R.B., 2007. Mineralogical and Thermal Analyses of Oil Shale Samples. Prepared for Idaho National Laboratory. 22 pp.
Perkins, R.B., 2005. Characterization of Arsenic-contaminated Sediments. Prepared for
S.S. Papadopolus and Associates, Inc., Portland, OR. 22 pp.
Breit, G.N., Foster, A.L., Perkins, R.B., Yount, J.C., King, T., Welch, A.H., Whitney, J.W., Uddin, M. N., Muneemn A.A., and Alam, M.M., 2004. As-rich ferric oxyhydroxide enrichments in the shallow subsurface of Bangladesh in Wanty, R.B., and Seal, R.R., Eds., Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, Saratoga Springs, New York: New York, A.A. Balkema Publishers p. 1457-1461.
Stephens, A., Perkins, R.B., Grathoff, G., Peterson, C.D., 2022. Cementation and Groundwater Chemistry in Pleistocene Paleodune Deposits of the Central Oregon Coast. Annual Meeting of The Geological Society of America. Denver, CO.
Stephens, A., Perkins, R.B., Grathoff, G., Peterson, C.D., 2021. Cementation and Groundwater Chemistry in Pleistocene Paleodune Deposits of the Central Oregon Coast. Annual Meeting of The Geological Society of America. Portland, OR.
Bershaw, J., Burns, E.R., Cladouhos, T.T., Horst, A.E., Van Houten, B., Hulseman, P. Kane, A., Liu, J.H., Perkins, R.B., Scanlon, D.P., Streig, A.R., Svadlenak, E.E. Uddenberg, M.W., Well, R.E., and Williams, C.F., 2020. An Integrated Feasibility Study of Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage in Portland, OR, USA. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020. Vienna, Austria, May 3-8.
Bershaw, J., Burns, E.R., Cladouhos, T.T., Horst, A.E., Van Houten, B., Hulseman, P. Kane, A., Liu, J.H., Perkins, R.B., Scanlon, D.P., Streig, A.R., Svadlenak, E.E. Uddenberg, M.W., Well, R.E., and Williams, C.F., 2020. An Integrated Feasibility Study of Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage in Portland, OR, USA. 45th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Stanford University, Stanford, CA, February 10-12.
Lite, K.E., Perkins, R.B., Thomasser, E.A., LaMarche, J.L., and Bouchier, A.C., 2019. Columbia River Basalt Hydrology and Management Solutions in the Mosier Basin, Oregon. Field Trip for Annual Meeting, Cordilleran Section, The Geologic Society of America, Portland, OR.
Svadlenak, E. E. and Perkins, R.B., 2019. Geochemical Response to Thermal Energy Storage in the Columbia River Basalt Aquifer System Beneath the Portland Basin, Oregon. Annual Meeting, Cordilleran Section, The Geologic Society of America, Portland, OR, May.
Perkins, R.B., Malkemus, D.A., and Palmer, C.D., 2017. Geochemistry of Breitenbush Hot Springs, Oregon, USA. Annual Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Paris, France.
Malkemus, D.A.., Perkins, R.B., and Palmer, C.D., 2017. Geothermometry of Breitenbush Hot Springs, Oregon, USA. 5th Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition (IIGCE), Jakarta, Indonesia.
Malkemus, D.A., Perkins, R.B., and Palmer, C.D., 2017. Geothermometry of the Breitenbush Hot Springs Area, Oregon, USA. 42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Ferreira, G.R.S. and Perkins, R.B., 2015. Arsenic mobilization from silicic volcanic rocks in the southern Willamette Valley, Annual Meeting, Cordilleran Section, The Geological Society of America, Anchorage, AK.
Masterson-Radtke, M. and Perkins, R.B., 2015. Hydrogeochemical evaluation of the Green River and Uinta Formations of the Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado, Annual Meeting, Cordilleran Section, The Geological Society of America, Anchorage, AK.
O’Keefe, J.M.K., Perkins, R.B., and Mason, C.E., 2014. Organic petrography and geochemistry of the Sunbury Shale: Further insights into the depositional system. Annual Meeting of The Geological Society of America, Vancouver, British Columbia.
O'Keefe, J.M.K., Perkins, R.B., Mason, C.E., 2014. Organic petrography and geochemistry of new samples of Sunbury Shale. Ohio Valley Organic Petrographers' Meeting. Lexington, KY.
R.B. and Savoie, C., 2013. Arsenic mobility from
high-silica ash-flow tuffs. Annual Meeting of The Geological Society of America, Denver, CO.
C., Perkins, R., and Streck, M., 2013. Variations in
arsenic mobility and occurrence in high silica ash-flow tuffs. Annual
Meeting of The Oregon Academy of Science, Salem, OR.
C., Perkins, R., Foster, A., and Streck, M., 2012.
Variations in the occurrence and mobility of arsenic in ash-flow tuffs.
Annual Meeting of The Geological
Society of America, Charlotte, NC.
Perkins, R., Mason, C., and Piper, D., 2012. Mobility of trace elements from the Sunbury Shale, eastern Kentucky. Annual Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Montreal, Quebec. Mineralogical Magazine, 76, 2220.