Solutions to HW3



EQ = 0, BQ = 0, i.e. no field components in   Q - direction. Electrodes must be rotationally symmetric with respect to z-axis.


Retaining only first order terms in r means: approximation is only valid for small r.


R'2 << 1 implies approximation is only good for small values of dr/dz, i.e. small slopes of the orbit.



V6= (-1/35) (-1/16) (-1/4)Vo'''''' = -1/2304 V0VI




focal distance is the same for anti-protons

all potentials doubled: no changes in focal distances

reverse potential on center electrode gives (0, +2kV,0).

  Electrons:       with Ekin=2kV   g=156mm

                        with Ekin=1kV   g=91mm

  Protons:          with Ekin=1kV    reflected

                        with Ekin=2kV   g=5mm

The lens is always positive, i.e. for pos. or neg. potentials on the center electrode and

                                                   for pos. or neg. particles the focal length is positive.