Biology 102 at Harrison Hall


"Learning for Life"

Portland State University

Petersen's Home

BI 102

ESR Dept.
Biology Dept.


The information in these pages were:

  • initially compiled by Richard Petersen and Chris Miller December 17, 1997
  • reformatting, and file organization, December 18, 1997, by Chris Miller
  • last updated January 06, 1998 by Chris Miller

Images provided by Dr. Forbes, PSU Biology Dept..

Best viewed with Microsoft Explorer.


Curriculum Revision with Educational Technology:
Improving Student Outcomes in Large Courses

Richard Petersen's Home Page and Biology 102 Course Pages were constructed with the help of PSU's FIPSE project. We are conducting a three year study to improve student outcomes in larger courses through technology, innovative course design, and assessment. We are supported by the U.S. Department of Education, under the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), and Portland State University. Please visit are PSU's FIPSE Home page for more information.

Additional support by Portland State University, and The Office of Information Technologies (OIT).

To Do:


Back to Prof. Petersen's Home Page

Contact: Richard Petersen. Site constructed by Chris Miller for the PSU's FIPSE Project coordinated by Nancy Perrin and John Rueter, © 1997. Last updated on Tuesday, January 06, 1998 11:25 PM.