Incorporating in-text citations


All in-text citations appear at the end of the sentence with the following info. and followed by pertinent punctuation.  Do not write page number (p., pg., página, etc).  The following page numbers are only for illustration.  See Referencias to cross-reference how the in-text citation connects with the Referencia page.


*From a single author:  (Bensick 33)

*From an article with author:  (Brickhouse 33)

*From an edited book and you want to emphasize original author:  (de la Barca 33)

*From a translated book or edited book; normally cite the original author (Derrida 33)

*When there are two texts by same author, cite the specific text;  Brickhouse, for example, has two texts cited in the essay:   (“‘I Do Abhor an Indian Story’: Hawthorne and the Allegorization of Racial ‘Commixture’" 33); or if using the second article, then cite the name of the second article: (“Hawthorne in the Americas: Frances Calderón de la Barca, Octavio Paz, and the Mexican Genealogy of ‘Rappaccini’s Daughter’” 33)

*A definition, see “Germ” below (try to use official dictionaries, such as the Oxford English Dictionary, and avoid other collegiate ones):  (OED)

*From a website article with an author’s name: (Zeki 52); or if there is no page number for the author (Colston n. pag.)

*From a website article with no author, cite the name of the article: (“Buffon, Georges, Comte de [1707-1788]” n. pag.)


Writing your Works Cited page (Obras citadas)


Your page of Referencias should look like the following; for more examples of other sources you may be citing, go to the following website or better yet, use a recent MLA Handbook:  Do not bold, italicize the title Referencias.  Referencias appears in its own page and follows pagination from your composition.


Obras citadas

Bensick, Carol Marie. La nouvelle Beatrice: Renaissance and Romance in
        "Rappaccini’s Daughter." New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1985.

Borges, Jorge Luis. Ficciones. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1995.

Brickhouse, Anna C. “‘I Do Abhor an Indian Story’: Hawthorne and the Allegorization
        of Racial ‘Commixture’." ESQ 42 (1996):   233-253.

--. "Hawthorne in the Americas: Frances Calderón de la Barca, Octavio Paz, and the
        Mexican Genealogy of ‘Rappaccini’s Daughter’." PMLA 13 (1998): 227-242.

“Buffon, Georges, Comte de (1707-1788).” ScienceWorld (2002)


de la Barca, Pedro Calderón. La vida es sueño. Ed. José M. Ruano de la Haza.
Madrid: Clásicos Castalia, 1994.

Colston, Jo.  Descending the Magic Mountain: How Early Clinical Trials

Transformed the Treatment of Tuberculosis.” National Institute for Medical

Research (1998)


Derrida, Jacques. Dissemination. Trans. Barbara Johnson. Chicago: The University of
Press, 1981.

Echevarría, Roberto Gonzalez. Myth and Archive: A Theory of Latin American Narrative.
: Cambridge UP, 1990. 

"Germ." Oxford English Dictionary. 1989 ed.

Haviland, Beverly. "The Sin of Synecdoche: Hawthorne’s Allegory against Symbolism
        in "Rappaccini’s Daughter." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 29 (Fall
        1987): 278-301.

Johnson, Christopher. System and Writing in the Philosophy of Jacques Derrida.
        Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993.

McIntosh, James, ed. A Norton Critical Edition: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Tales. New
:  Norton, 1987.

Muñiz-Huberman, Angelina. Enclosed Garden. Trans. Lois Parkinson Zamora.
        Pittsburgh: Latin American Literary Review P, 1988.

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. Epistemology of the Closet. Berkeley: U of
        California P, 1990.

Zeki, Semir.  “Artistic Creativity and the Brain.”  Science 6 July 2001:  51-52.  Science

Magazine.  2002.  Amer. Assn.  for the Advancement of Science.  24 Sept. 2002
