I appreciated most when genetics was taught with the big picture in mind, diseases, phenotypes, why things are as they are. Last part of the course was hard to take in this respect - except for hemoglobin, what real example did we have?
The multiformat presentation is good in some respects- but it also often left me confused as to exactly where we were in genetics - would be nice to constantly review, find the context for a topic - a reading frame, if you will.
Sometimes the lectures were rushed and the information was thrown at us.
My only criticism is that the entire grade is based only on tests, with no other input. If a person is ill when taking the final they will be in big trouble.
The course went too slowly. Most of the material was review from Bi 25x, which we covered in half the time.
...I would like to see lists of outside reading (website/articles) for every section.
The lecture outlines were a little scattered.
The textbook is very precise and clear. Although the questions confused me and so I did not even bother doing them.
The only thing I would change is, have him peak louder in lecture, leave time in between writing things on the board and talking about it....
The only suggestion is that the instructor should issue a more dire warning to those that are struggling in the class, and that is: if your miss recitations your chance at passing this class is dramatically decreased.
I find the workbook to be very useful in my studies - generally if I am up-to-date with the workbook, I'm not so lost during discussions in recitations. Go to recitations, they are invaluable. I don't find the syllabus class notes on line to be very helpful.
Combination of website and chalk board writing is useful. Most have both. It would be nice to have them available simultaneously. Switching between the two would be quick and increase learning and understanding.
Who thought genetics could be fun and interesting?
I wish the book were a more detailed, in-depth book.
I thought the expectations were set a little low for the students. This is an upper level course we should be expected to engage in upper level work.
Because this course is rather difficult, it would be a great help to have at least 2-3 hours (office) a week for additional questions.
It would be better if the lecture notes online were better organized with more obvious headings.