Every repetition reinforces understanding and remembering. This is, after all, Introduction to genetics.
The graded homework might be good. but that is because I don't study unless I have to.
I get very little out of lectures and therefore rely quite heavily on the workbook and text.
While I understand time is short I feel it is extremely important to answer questions as they come in lecture and not wait for recitation. If a student is confused in lecture and a question is not answered the confusion continues and the rest of the lecture is lost.
I feel that you try to explain the info too many times. maybe explain once then let us study and ask questions. It is the same for recitation. Seems like you explain info then re-explain in a different way - which many times confuses the first explanation.
It is difficult to do a quiz on the same day that the material was covered. Also to go over new information that is going to be put out at the beginning of recitations than to answer questions.
I think we spend too much time going over and over the same things.
I would prefer a short question segment before the quiz. The quizzes were invaluable in preparing for the exam. I appreciate the "power pointless" approach in recitation
The quizzes should be graded first and quickly. Then questions should be asked. (Not during the grading!)
Feel these are only somewhat helpful. Students who understand concepts are bored, while someone who is trying still to comprehend concepts may be embarrassed to ask a simple question.
Recitations feel a little too slow, we spend two hours rehashing the same topic, maybe if there was more of a set structure.
Try to take less time grading the quiz and make more time to address questions about lecture.
Although the web material is extensive I would prefer that it was more in depth, perhaps clarifying. So that if I did not understand the lecture the main points would be on the web. I find that the in and out of web animations is not rewarding and are tiresome. I would prefer the web material organized by chapter. Please provide an exact list of which vocab we should study. I don't like the vocab section of exams - prefer less rote memorization and more concept.
Maybe too much information on the web; A little overwhelming, but very helpful also.
There is a lot and it takes a while to figure out what we need.
Outline not really good.
Too much information makes me confused sometimes.
animations are useful but I would appreciate more descriptive captions to accompany the animations and pictures.
On the outline: Information is too jumbled. The parts that are useful for studying are scattered among supplementary information.
On the outline: Somewhat busy. However would like to have access to a vocabulary list.
The total comment I have on web materials is that it isn't congruent with the lecture.
I did not understand the crosses found on page 2 of the exam until the recitation. If I had gone to Thursday's recitation instead of Wednesday's it would have been too late for me to master these.
It seems that if we know the material, we could answer them, but there is no time to think about the problem!
(I did fine on the first exam so this comment is not related to my grade) I felt there was too much writing to be accomplished thoughtfully in 45-50 mins. - specially given two other pages of material. I know we had more time available after class, but I must leave at 11:05 for work. I'd love to see a running list on the web of useful vocab you'd like us to know - more expanded than the list on the syllabus.
I find it confusing sometimes with the diagrams you draw - maybe elaborate a little - write more expnanations/sumary. For instance p 37 of the worksheet - I believe you went over the steps but didn't really explain whichstage chromosomes were in and I couldn't figure out what pachytene heterozygous/homozygous looked like.
I prefer it when you use the chalkboard. It is easier to follow along and write things down. The computer information is very overwhelming
Sometimes it is hard to read your writing.
I do not like the use of the computer in class. I think it should be used as an outside class resource. I much prefer the speed and "real time" use of the chalkboard. (i.e.. writing at the speed of the discussion.
Can't always see around you as you write on the board. I think you explain better when using the computer.
The computer is good to show us pictures and animations and explain some concepts. The chalkboard is good because you show us how to work the problems and such. Both are very valuable.
It goes into more detail sometimes than is needed. Illustrations of meiosis are poor. it is ok on the whole - not the most well-written text, but above adequate.
Does not follow our course.
His writing style is annoying, not very clear and frequently dry and controversial. Pictures and figures do not help either, woo many details, Just baadd...no good book.
Working assigned problems from text did not seem to help on exam.
It could be better. I don't feel it focuses on the same area you are interested in.
Very comprehensible, reads well.
Don't like it.
Text covers a lot of materials. However, it is a relevant source for the lectures you give in class.
The book is ok but does not coordinate well enough with the lecture.
The textbook seems to have far more information than needed to understand genetics.
Helpful, but the questions at the end of chapters do not adequately reflect the types of questions asked on exams.
Dry, hard to stay interested in for any length of time. We need a textbook like "How to Ace Calculus" by Colin Adams
Very easy to comprehend and enjoyable to read.
When I go to the text for clarification, I rarely get it.
Possibly grade on a curve.
During test if someone has a question you should help explain what the question is.
The difficulty of the test was appropriate but I was not given enough time to solve all the problem.
I had a hard time understanding the questions on the exam.
I really enjoy looking through the different stories and links that you have on the web. There is so much information and news about genetics. I think it is nice that you give some recommended place that we can do extra reading and learning in the field of genetics.
Once again I will say that the exam either needs to be shorter or more time needs to be given. I knew how to answer the last page and I understood it but there wasn't enough time to complete it. Also there were too many problems or more accurately too many cross over and gene mapping problems.