Materials from the World Wide Web

 (still working on this; will change from time to time)

On Line Mendelian Inheritance in Man 


information from the Virtual Library Genetics. Access by clicking: here

               MIT biology textbook

Mendel's paper and additional Mendel information on MendelWeb

Excellent source of medical genetics information; easier to use than OMIM

GeneClinics: Medical Genetics Knowledge Base

Glossary of genetics terms from NIH (some in audio format)

Human chromosomal abnormalities Merck


 other sites of interest..


Virtual FlyLab - Design and carry out 'experiments' on Drosophila melanogaster."

Now requires log in via our text book for the Biology Place

Genetics societies "A world of genetics societies...... Welcome"

genetics as a career

excellent description of chromosomes ...

Text: Molecular Cell Biology ...

Text: An Introduction to Genetic Analysis by Griffiths, etc.

Text:  Human Molecular Genetics 2  by   Tom Strachan and Andrew P. Read

The journal Science

The journal Nature

American Scientist