Chapter 17

Eukaryotic gene regulation 

Overview .see Figure 17.1.../17x1.gif

Levels of control

1. transcriptional

2. RNA splicing

3. Transport

4. mRNA translation

5. mRNA degredation

6. Protein degradation



a) DNA binding proteins

motifs: zinc finger, leucine zipper, helix turn helix

not on web ... DNAbindingProteins.gif ... but on the web at:

helix turn helix ....

zinc finger ....


b) Chromosome changes

active genes sensitive to DNAse I, loose chromosome structure, hypersensitive sites upstream, sites for binding of regulatory proteins

example - hypersensitive sites on hemoglobin hand out Figure 5

example alternative splicing - calcitonin gene  Text Figure 17.7 alternative splicing

changes in structure with acetylation and methylation 

within the histones of the nucleosome and within the DNA

--- ActiveInactiveChromatin2.gif

    methylation of cytosine in CpG dinucleotides

Histone changes

Histone H3 tail and core sequence ...   ../HistoneH3sequence.gif

open and closed structure of DNA ......./HistoneChanges.gif

amino end of histone proteins in nucleosome..(not on web).... HistoneTails.gif

simple diagram ...  ../HistoneTails.gif

see Felsenfeld, G. and M. Groudine (2003). "Controlling the double helix." Nature 421(6921): 448-53.

in free section of journal nature .... see me for reference

!!!!!  and nutrition ....  Waterland, R. A. and R. L. Jirtle (2004). "Early nutrition, epigenetic changes at transposons and imprinted genes, and enhanced susceptibility to adult chronic diseases." Nutrition 20(1): 63-8.

Interfering RNAs now important in gene regulation in eukaryotes

the start - to get a petunia with a dark purple color. ..not on the web...  ../petunia.gif

see;  Gura, T. (2000). "A silence that speaks volumes." Nature 404(6780): 804-8.

Action of interfering RNA, a strange phenomenon! ..... interferingRNA.gif

 Simple RNAi movie from Nature ...

Complicated RNAi movie (artsy) from Nature


Trials for medicine ....  see  Rossi, J. J. (2004). "Medicine: a cholesterol connection in RNAi." Nature 432(7014): 155-6.

not on the web......  ../cholesterol%20RNAi.gif

But,  sometimes the RNAi is not as specific......     Couzin, J. (2004). "Molecular biology. RNAi shows cracks in its armor." Science 306(5699): 1124-5. 

RNAi summary ....  ../RNAi%20summary.gif

 seems that RNAi is into just about everything in genetics

pau hana