Chapter 9 DNA replication 

DNA replication; Meselson/Stahl experiments

The protocol----meselsonstahl.htm 

Three possible modes of replication......Figure 9.1

Diagram of three modes.....MeselsonStahl-1.GIF

The data (diagramatic): Figure 9.2

Predicted results for three models...Figure 9.1


Meselson-Stahl diagrams


to get generation 0


to get generation 1


to get generation 2


All together



 note new book: Meselson, Stahl, and the Replication of DNA: A History of 'The Most Beautiful Experiment in Biology' by Frederic Lawrence Holmes

From: Meselson, M. and F. W. Stahl (1958). "The replication of DNA in Escherichia coli." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 44: 671 - 682.

Figure 4 ..... MeselsonStahlFig4.gif ..... text 11.2



Meselson at the centrifuge ... MeselsonCentrifuge.jpg

Meselson - Stahl experiments for isolated bacterial DNA; What about eukaryotic chromosomes?

DNA replication; in chromosomes

First by J. H. Taylor using tritiated thymidine and autoradiography

also Incorporation of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) into cells in culture

Secrets: BUdR (a base analog) replaces thymine in DNA replication; if one of the two strands of the double helix have BUdR the chromosome stains darkly but if both strands of the double helix have BudR the chromosome stains lightly.

Harlequin Model.... HarlequinModel2.gif

Harlequin model... HarlequinModel.gif

Harlequin chromosomes Figure 9.3 (not on web).. Harlequin.gif


Demonstration of semiconservative replication in DNA --Meselson and Stahl

Demonstration of semiconservative replication in chromosomes -- Harlequin chromosomes


Required materials for DNA replication

in vitro synthesis of DNA (in glass, in a test tube)

Konberg experiments..(page 188) DNA polymerase.. Kornberg.GIF

Importance of nucleoside triphosphate; what is a nucleoside?

Nucleoside - sugar and base with no phosphates;........ Nucleoside triphosphate - sugar and base and three phosphates

nucleoside ....  ../nucleoside.GIF 

5 November 2004

Review and add to DNA replication

Discuss properties of the telomere

Discuss the crossover model

Bidirectional replication of DNA in chromosome

A simplistic view first.

basic ideas

5' to 3' replication; need 3' end for DNA replication; RNA primer inserted first to give 3' end (discussed in previous lectures)

sequence of steps...../DNAReplic.html





see DNA replication fork Fig 9.6

 For eukaryotic chromosomes replication will begin at multiple points, making for replication bubbles along the length of the chromosome.

Replication in Figure 9.7..../bubble.GIF

simple animation DNA synthesis ...../DNArepl.html

Caution: when looking at one replication fork, we are looking at one half of a bubble


Concept of replicon

"In eukaryotes the stretch of DNA from the origin of replication to the two termini of replication (where adjacent replication forks fuse) on each side of the origin is called a replicon or a replication unit (Figure 9.9)" --- text page 196

multiple points of origin of replication in eukaryotic chromosomes (see Table 9.3); about 25,000 in the mouse

Why multiple origins? Speed of DNA polymerase 50 nucleotides per second in a typical human cell. "At this rate and with only one origin of replication, it would take the polymerase about 800 hours, a little more than a month, to copy the 130 million base pairs in an average human chromosome." origins in humans given as 10,000 reference: Hartwell, et al 2000. Genetics:From genes to genomes McGraw Hill

Some enzymes at or in vicinity of replication fork

DNA helicase - break hydrogen bonds unwinds DNA at origin

primase - synthesis of RNA primer (about 11 nucleotides)

topisomerase - solve problem of super coiling

DNA polymerase-III - synthesis of DNA

DNA polymerase-I - removes primer and fills the gap

DNA ligase - unites okazaki fragments

Now back to telomeres

Observations of Barbara McClintock; loss of end of chromosome (by radiation, breakage of paracentric inversion anaphase-I bridge) leads to fusion of ends of chromatids

Telomere problem...3'overhanging end (ledge)

Why the ledge..... DNAledge.gif

show end of chromosome T and D loops

Traced from cover of journal Cell volume 97(4) TelomereLoop.gif


from: Greider, C. W. 1999 Telomeres do d-loop-t-loop. Cell 97: 419-422..... TelomereLoop4.gif

from:  Blackburn, E. H. (2001). "Switching and signaling at the telomere." Cell 106(6): 661-73........  ../TelomereBlackburn.gif.


telomeric repeats

mammals - AGGGTT

Tetrahymena - GGGGTT

Arabidopsis - AGGGTTT

subtelomeric repeats, etc.

two problems with telomere

1. the single strand of DNA at the end of the chromosome. Solution: D loop t loop

2. the inability to complete the replication of the end of the chromosome. Solution: telomerase 

   the observation of Hayflick

 The Hayflick Limit: limit to eukaryotic cell replications...Hayflick, 1961(cells in culture limit 40-60                             replications)..Hayflick, L. and P.  S. Moorhead. 1961 The serial cultivation of human diploid strains.                         Experimental Cell Research 25: 585-621.   (Leonard Hayflick  ....  Susan)

Multiple solutions for loss of DNA - extension of 3' overhang by telomerase

                        telomerase sequence .. Telomere.html

telomere1.GIF; .. telomere2.GIF; .. telomere3.GIF; .. telomere4.GIF        ... telomere5.GIF 

also, unequal crossovers at the end of the chromosome  

(Drosophila does not have telomerase, transposons at ends of chromosomes - see Types of DNA handout

Events at the telomere are exceedingly complex.  See Elizabeth Blackburn's 2001 paper

Question about reduced telomere length in premature aging syndromes. The answer is yes. See: Allsopp, R. C., et al. 1992 Telomere length predicts replicative capacity of human fibroblasts. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 89(21): 10114-8.

Also inherited disorder dyskeratosis congenita. See... Marciniak, R. A., F. B. Johnson, and L. Guarente. 2000 Dyskeratosis congenita, telomeres and human ageing. Trends Genet 16(5): 193-5.

8 November 2004

From the 28 October 2004 issue of Nature.  Papers dealing with the discovery of a new hominin species from an island in Indonesia.  "Skeletal remains show that the hominins, nicknamed 'hobbits' by some of their discoverers, were only one metre tall, had a brain one-third the size of that of modern humans and lived on an isolated island long after Homo sapiens had migrated through the South Pacific region."

"'My jaw dropped to my knees,' said Perter Brown........"     for free papers, see:  


To continue with the crossover discussion

The D-loop for both the tuck of the telomere and for the crossover is really a displacement loop ...   models show as a letter 'D'

Important items

the double strand break of one DNA molecule

the degredation of the 5' ends to form the gaps

The displacement of the 3' strand and the filling of the gaps with DNA synthesis

this forms heteroduplexes, which may have nucleotide mis-matches.

there are two half DNA exchanges forming the Holliday junctions

the Holliday junctions are then corrected to form crossovers or no crossovers

the mismatched base pairs may be corrected to form a gene conversion

the determination of gene conversion by using products of meiosis which stay together

see ../OrderedMeioticProducts.gif

page 200 in the text has the original model Holliday for reciprocal genetic recombination.  It shows an electron microscope picture of the plus shaped figure for two double helices.  Figure 9.13 also shows hetroduplexes and the correction of the Holliday junctions in either a horizontal cut  to the left giving no crossover and a vertical cut to the right giving a crossover.

    see Figure 9.13 in your text (not on the web)  ...  crossing over

 an animation of the double strand break model ....  

Holliday model   -  use rubber tube model for redraw of Holliday intermediate 

Electron micrograph of Holliday Junction (not on web here, see text page 200) ...  ../HollidayJunctionEM.gif


here is the crossover handout ......   ../CrossOverModel.pd

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