This is difficult stuff at first; it takes some study and concentration. I am here to help you with it. Non-participants may have lots of difficulty.

Pages 45 - 48 of the workbook should help.


gene fine structure principles

There may be more than a single mutation within a gene (x = mutation).


We may have two genes and two mutations.The mutations may be in different genes.


 The mutations may be in the same gene.


Two mutations in a diploid may be in the same gene or in different genes; they may be in either in cis or trans. Here we have two mutations in two genes in trans.

Is the phenotype of this arrangement wild or mutant? It is wild. We may call this complementation.

The secret:...In order to have a wild phenotype we must have a non mutant gene A and a non mutant gene B; as in diagram above.


gene fine structure principles a table

Simple cis trans table .. CisTransNew.gif

Experimental work of S. Benzer

          Picture of Benzer (not on web)... Benzer2.gif

 Picture of phage... Tatoo.gif  

In order to study lots of mutations within genes we must have an "organism" which reproduces rapidly and takes up little space.

Such an "organism" is the bacteriophage T4 (also see pages 36, 37 in our workbook)  

animation of the work of the virus (as per the discussion of Hershey and Chase).......General infection

kinds of infection, within a short time

one virus, one spot

side view ..... Benzer1.gif

top view........Benzer2.GIF

lots of viruses, all bacteria get at least one virus, all die, plate clears quickly, no spots

side view.......Benzer3.GIF

top view .......Benzer4.GIF

kinds of spots

On bacterial strain B, large spots (mutant) and small spots (wild) .......BenzerMutantSpot.GIF

Considering bacterial strains B, S and K each mutant may be of the type rI, rII, or rIII .....BenzerTable.GIF

Important statement: on K wild kills, rII mutant does not kill..........BenzerImportant.GIF


Two Tests for two mutations

        Test for complementation (same or different genes?)

        Definition of complementation .....BenzerComplementation5.GIF

Consider the two possibilities for two mutations in trans......BenzerComplementation4.GIF

Two mutations (1 and 2) on bacterial strain K; mutation 1 only, mutation 2 only, and mutations 1 and 2... ............BenzerComplementation1.gif

Two possibilities for relationship between mutations 1 and 2; in same gene (do not kill bacteria) or in different genes (kill bacteria) ........BenzerComplementation2.GIF

summary of two possibilities ....BenzerComplementation3.GIF

Test for recombination (same or different sites?)

For two mutations at different locations in a gene, recombination may occur on bacteria B giving four kinds of chromosome .....BenzerRecombination1.gif

These four kinds of chromosome put on bacteria K .... ......BenzerRecombination2.GIF


    Important items

1) Start with a plate covered with bacteria

2) two kinds of infections

a) not all bacteria get a virus, so spots appear

b) all bacteria get at least one virus, so plate may clear quickly

3) size of spot is the phenotype

4) rII mutations do not grow on bacterial strain K

5) For two mutations, are they in the same gene or different genes

6) For two mutations in same gene, they are at the same location or not

7) As shown in the grand table: ...  ../BenzerAllelism1.GIF

22 November 2004

review Benzer sheet and continue

Benzer style map

Practical exercise... BenzerExercise.GIF

Benzer diagram ... BenzerDiagram.GIF

Benzer fine structure map, (not on web).......but as text Fig. 6.22

entire.  ../../Other%20Graphics/BenzerMap.gif   . 

portion.  ../../Other%20Graphics/06x22Portion.gif  .

Old view of the gene

The gene is not divisible by:




That is, gene could have only one function, could not be divided up by mutation and recombination


New view of the gene

The gene is divisible by function, mutation and recombination.

rII "gene" really has two functions, represented by genes A and B; each gene has many mutation sites and recombination may occur between any two mutation sites.


new terms by Benzer

cistron smallest unit of complete function

recon smallest unit of recombination

muton smallest unit of mutation


Book:...Weiner, J. 1999. Time, Love, Memory : A Great Biologist and His Quest for the Origins of Behavior. Knopf, New York.

Picture of Benzer (not on web)..    ../../Photos%20Genetics%20People/Benzer%20pictures/Benzer2.gif.

And, finally, back to the hemoglobin sheet!

 Synthesis: combine DNA, proteins, and Benzer

A Benzer way of looking at these mutations

in color .......HbWildMutant.GIF

in black and white ..... HbWildMutant2.gif

       portion of picture 6 ... HemoglobinPicture6.gif 



to Chapter 13... Chapter13.html