ESR 425 , ESR 524


Week 9 Lecture 1

Compensatory Mitigation - Construction
Compensatory Mitigation - O & M
Mitigation Monitoring
Government Island Mitigation Monitoring
Wetland Mitigation Banking
Management of Wetlands
Flood Storage
Wildlife Habitat
Resource Harvest

Compensatory Mitigation - Construction

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Compensatory Mitigation - O & M

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Mitigation Monitoring

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Government Island Mitigation Monitoring

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Wetland Mitigation Banking

Wetland Acreage Savings Account
Withdrawl for Mitigation Credit
Implemented and Functional Before Impact
Large Areas Better Than Several Small Areas
Usually Designed by Experts with Incentive to Perform
Bring Together Financial Resources of Many
Reduce Uncertainity of Regulatory Agencies
Easier for Regulatory Agencies to Track
If it Fails There is a Large Loss
Sponsors Take Large Risk with No Guarantee of Returns


In Watershed
Agency Agreements

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Management of Wetlands

Purpose to Maximize One or More Functions
Flood Storage
Storm Abatement
Water Quality
Bank Stabilization
Wildlife Habitat
Aquatic Habitat
Resource Harvest

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Flood Storage

Napa, California

Remove Most Existing Dikes
Buy River-Adjacent Properties
Relocate 16 Households
Raise Bridges
Farms Remain and Will Flood

$220 Million 600 Acres 20 Years

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Wildlife Habitat

Troutdale, Oregon
Sandy River Delta
Reed Canary Grass Dominated

Increase Plant Diversity
Increase Ponding
Increase Waterfowl Habitat
Management Effort
Minor Excavation
Water Control Structures in Outflow Ditches

$65,000 (Ducks Unlimited/USFS)
50 Acres 2 Years

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Resource Harvest

Forest Products
Palustrine Forest Wetlands
Bottomland Forests
Hardwoods (Shade Intolerant)
Limit Soil Compaction
Black Spruce Peatlands
Miminize Surface Damage
Avoid Soil Compaction
Mangroves is Southeast Asia
Net Pens in US

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