ESR 425, ESR 524


Week 6, Lecture 1

Wetland Alterations
Trend of Drained Agricultural Land
Historical Wetland Loss - Iowa / California
Agricultural Impacts to Prairie Potholes
Agricultural Impacts to California Wetlands
Historical Wetland Loss - Coastal
Residual Development in Coastal Wetlands
Coastal Wetland Conversions
JFK Airport Setting
JFK Airport Runway/Wetland Conflict
Palestrine Wetland Loss / Gain
Non-federal Wetland Losses 1982-1987
Wetland Loss in U.S.
Total Wetland Loss
Wetland Conversions
History of Wetland Regulations

Wetland Alterations

Water Level



construction of dams


water extraction

highway construction

Nutrient Level


agricultural runoff


Man Made Disturbances

discharge of toxic substances

acid mine drainage

mineral extraction (phosphates, gravel, sand)

peat extraction

Natural Disturbances





biotic effects - "eat-outs"

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Trend of Drained Agriculture Land

Fig. 16-3. Trend of drained farmland in the U.S. from 1900 to 1980 (Gosselink and Maltby, 1990, based on data from Office of Technology Assessment, 1984)

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Historical Wetland Loss

Fig.30. Historical losses of wetlands in Iowa and California.(from Bishop 1981 and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1977).

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Historical Wetland Loss - Coastal

Fig 31.Rate of coastal wetland loss in the conterminous U.S. (from Gosselink and Bauman 1990). Estimates include both estuarine and tidal freshwater wetland losses.

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Coastal Wetland Conversions

Fig 6. Fate of converted estuarine emergent(coastal) wetlands, min-1970's to mid-1980's.

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Palestrine Wetland Loss / Gain

Fig.7. Palustrine wetland gains and losses, mid-1970's to mid-1980's.

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Non-Federal Wetland Loss 1982- 1987

Table 2. NRI-based estimates of wetland area in 1982 and 1987 (in 100's of ha)


 Total Area




 Retained(%)  Net Change (1987-1982)  Change(%)
 West  2628.3.........2476.7  157.3........5.7  94.0  -151.6  -5.77
 Midwest  10347.3......10314.0  51.6........18.3  99.5  -33.3  -0.32
 Southwest  14983.7......14847.6  140.2........4.1  99.1  -136.1  -0.91
 Northeast  5531.8..........5489.6  43.8..........1.6  99.2  -42.2  -0.76
 Total  33491.1......33127.9  393.9......29.7  98.8  -363.2  -1.08


*Wetlands that were involved in a transfer of ownership between federal and nonfederal land are not included in these estimates.

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Wetland Loss in U.S.

Fig 1.States that lost more than 50% of their wetlands between the 1780's and mid-1980's (listed states shaded)(after Dahl 1990)


 % Lost


 % Lost











 New York












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Total Wetland Loss

Fig 27. Original and remaining acreages of wetlands in the counterminous U.S. (from Roe and Ayres 1954; Frayer,et al., 1983).

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Wetland Conversions










 Open Water/Barren










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History of Wetland Regulations

1849 - Swamp Land Act (Amended in 1850,1860).


1890 - Rivers and Harbors Act (Amended in 1899).


1960 - Supreme Court broadly construes RHA to include industrial waste.


1967 - Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act.


1968 - MOU between DOI and ACOE.


1970 - Supreme Court upheld denial of RHA permit for ecological reasons.


1970 - Executive Order 11574.


1972 - Federal Water Pollution Control Act.


1975 - Court Cases expand CWA into wetlands.


1975 - ACOE Regulations in Phase.

I } 1975 - Tidal and Waters used for commercial navigation.

II} 1976 - Tributaries to Phase I and lakes > 5 acres.

III} 1977 - All waters of U.S.


1977 - CWA Amended.


1977 - Executive Order 11990.


1977 - ACOE Amends Regulations.


1979 - U.S. Attorney General - EPA Authority of Jurisdictional Issues.


1980 - EPA -404 - (b)(1) Guidelines.


1981 - Executive Order 12291


1983 - ACOE Proposed Reforms.


1983 - EPA Resists.


1984 Court Case - ACOE Concedes.


1986 - ACOE Amends Regulations.


1989 - MOU Between ACOE and EPA - jurisdiction.


1990 - MOU Between ACOE and EPA - mitigation.


1992 - Court Cases - Isolated Wetlands.


1993 - Court Case - CWA regulates excavation.


1995 - Amendment to Nationwide Permits

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