ESR 425 , ESR 524


Week 3 Lecture 2

Tidal Estuarine Wetland
Tidal Wetland at Low Tide
Cross Section of Tidal Wetland
Diagram of Tidal Cycling
Tidal Energy Flow
Tidal Salt Marsh Functions
Diagram of Tidal Freshwater System
Tidal Freshwater Energy Flow/ Source / Transfer
Tidal Freshwater Functions
Forested/emergent Freshwater Wetland
Prarie Pothole Freshwater Wetland
Inland Freshwater Wetland Cross Section
Freshwater Wetland Plant/Bird Associations
Freshwater Wetland Functions
Peatland Formation
Cross Section of Quaking Bog
Peatland Functions
Riparian Wetland Picture
Forested Riparian Wetland Picture
River Geomorphic Zones
Cross Sections of Valley Typess
Cross Sections of Eastern Riparian Wetlands
Cross Sections of West Riparian Wetlands
Riparian Habitat Functions
Riparian/Stream Relationships
Riparian Wetland Functions

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Fig 15-6. Illustration of several of the potential wetland values for riparian wetlands during a) flood season ; b) dry season.( Mitsch et al., 1979).

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