Stress Experienced In Wetlands Protists Vascular Plants Animals Wetland Delineation Vegetation Indicator Status Wetland Soil Indicators Hydrology Indicators Delineation Method
Anoxia Salt Concentrations Water Fluctuation
Salt Concentrations
Water Fluctuation
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Anoxia Ability to use internal organic compounds as electron acceptors Ability to use inorganic ions in respiration Ability to use specific electron acceptors rather than oxygen -sulfate -ammonia -ferrous Salt Complex potassium in cytoplasm Enzymes function normally
Ability to use internal organic compounds as electron acceptors Ability to use inorganic ions in respiration Ability to use specific electron acceptors rather than oxygen -sulfate -ammonia -ferrous Salt Complex potassium in cytoplasm Enzymes function normally
Ability to use internal organic compounds as electron acceptors Ability to use inorganic ions in respiration Ability to use specific electron acceptors rather than oxygen -sulfate -ammonia -ferrous
Ability to use internal organic compounds as electron acceptors
Ability to use inorganic ions in respiration
Ability to use specific electron acceptors rather than oxygen
-sulfate -ammonia -ferrous
Complex potassium in cytoplasm Enzymes function normally
Complex potassium in cytoplasm
Enzymes function normally
Anoxia Structural Nutrient absorption Metabolic Whole Plant Strategies Salt Barriers Secretory organs Water Photosynthesis
Structural Nutrient absorption Metabolic Whole Plant Strategies
Nutrient absorption
Whole Plant Strategies
Barriers Secretory organs
Secretory organs
Anoxia Specialized organs for gas exchange Mechanism to improve oxygen gradient Better circulation system Decrease activity during oxygen stress Shifts metabolic pathways Salt Control internal osmotic concentrations
Specialized organs for gas exchange Mechanism to improve oxygen gradient Better circulation system Decrease activity during oxygen stress Shifts metabolic pathways
Specialized organs for gas exchange
Mechanism to improve oxygen gradient
Better circulation system
Decrease activity during oxygen stress
Shifts metabolic pathways
Control internal osmotic concentrations
Purpose Jurisdictional Scientific Definition U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at frequency / duration sufficient to support vegetation adapted to saturated soil conditions. Diagnostic Characteristics Vegetation Soils Hydrology
Jurisdictional Scientific
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at frequency / duration sufficient to support vegetation adapted to saturated soil conditions.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers:
inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at frequency / duration sufficient to support vegetation adapted to saturated soil conditions.
Diagnostic Characteristics
Vegetation Soils Hydrology
NRCS Hydric Soil Field Indicators Organic Soils Gleyed Mineral Soils ~Chroma 1 with or without mottles ~Chroma 2 with mottles Sulfidic Material Sandy Soils ~High organic content at surface ~Streaked
NRCS Hydric Soil
Field Indicators
Organic Soils Gleyed Mineral Soils ~Chroma 1 with or without mottles ~Chroma 2 with mottles Sulfidic Material Sandy Soils ~High organic content at surface ~Streaked
Organic Soils
Mineral Soils
~Chroma 1 with or without mottles ~Chroma 2 with mottles
~Chroma 1 with or without mottles
~Chroma 2 with mottles
Sulfidic Material
Sandy Soils
~High organic content at surface ~Streaked
~High organic content at surface
Recorded Data U.S. Corps of Engineers USGS State / Local Agencies Field Data Soil Saturation Watermarks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits
Recorded Data
U.S. Corps of Engineers USGS State / Local Agencies
U.S. Corps of Engineers
State / Local Agencies
Field Data
Soil Saturation Watermarks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits
Soil Saturation
Drift Lines
Sediment Deposits
Preliminary Data USGS Quadranlge Maps NWI Maps Soil Survey Stream Gage EISs State Wetland Determinations Local Wetland Inventories Aerial Photographs In-Field Data Visual Changes Chose Representative Points Characterize Each Change Vegetation Soils Hydrology
Preliminary Data
USGS Quadranlge Maps NWI Maps Soil Survey Stream Gage EISs State Wetland Determinations Local Wetland Inventories Aerial Photographs
USGS Quadranlge Maps
NWI Maps
Soil Survey
Stream Gage
State Wetland Determinations
Local Wetland Inventories
Aerial Photographs
In-Field Data
Visual Changes Chose Representative Points Characterize Each Change Vegetation Soils Hydrology
Visual Changes
Chose Representative Points
Characterize Each Change
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