Week 1 - Lecture 2

ESR 425/610

Relationship Between Hydrology, Soils, Biology
Definition of Hydroperiods
Hydroperiods for Different Wetland Types - Part 1
Hydroperiods for Different Wetland Types - Part 2
Generalized Water Budget
Fate of Precipitation
Groundwater Discharge-Recharge
Tidal Cycles

Relationship Between Hydrology, Soils, Biology

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Definition of Hydroperiods

Tidal Wetlands

· Subtidal

· Irregularly exposed

· Regularly flooded

· Irregularly flooded

Nontidal Wetlands

· Permanently flooded

· Intermittently exposed

· Semipermanently flooded

· Seasonally flooded

· Satuarted

· Temporarily flooded

· Intermittently flooded

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Hydroperiods for Different Wetland Types

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Hydroperiods for Different Wetland Types

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Generalized Water Budget

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Fate of Precipitation

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Groundwater Discharge-Recharge

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Tidal Cycles

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