The BSL-MO Team


The Boiling Springs Lake Microbial Observatory team is composed of four Principle Investigators at three institutions:

Patricia Siering, Lead, Humboldt State University

Mark Wilson, Humboldt State University

Gordon Wolfe, Chico State University

Kenneth Stedman, Portland State University

The research involves undergraduate and graduate students in addition to the principle investigators. See current research groups and alumni.


Patricia Siering - Lead PI

Kenneth Stedman

Mark Wilson

Gordon Wolfe

Participating Universities

Current Research Groups

  1. 1.Humboldt State University

  2. 2.Chico State University

  3. 3.Portland State University

BSL-MO Alumni

  1. 4.Humboldt State University

  2. 5.Chico State University

  3. 6.Portland State University



The Boiling Springs MO Team