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Mutations in AcrR and RNA
polymerase confer high-level resistance to
psoralen-UVA irradiation
- Worley TK; Weber EA;
Acott JD; Shimpi RS; Cole JM; Courcelle CT;
Courcelle J
- J Bacteriol
(2023) 205(6):e0012623
DNA interstrand crosslinks, such
as those formed by psoralen-UVA irradiation, are
highly toxic lesions in both humans and bacteria, with
a single lesion being lethal in Escherichia coli.
Despite the lack of effective repair, human cancers
and bacteria can develop resistance to crosslinking
treatments, although the mechanisms of resistance
remain poorly defined. Here, we subjected E. coli
to repeated psoralen-UVA exposures to isolate three
independently derived strains that were greater than
10,000-fold more resistant to this treatment than the
parental strain. Analysis of these strains identified
gain-of-function mutations in the transcriptional
regulator AcrR and the alpha subunit of RNA polymerase
that, together, could account for the resistance of
these strains. Resistance conferred by AcrR mutation
is mediated at least in part through regulation of the
AcrAB-TolC efflux pump. Resistance via the mutations
in the alpha subunit of RNA polymerase occurs through
a still uncharacterized mechanism that is additive in
effect with mutations in AcrR. Both acrR and rpoA
mutations reduced crosslink formation in vivo.
We discuss potential mechanisms in relation to the
ability to repair and survive interstrand DNA
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Manganese transporters
regulate the resumption of replication in
hydrogen peroxide-stressed Escherichia
- Wang, NE;
Courcelle, EJ; Coltman, SM; Spolek, RL;
Courcelle, J; Courcelle, CT
- Biometals
(2023) 8:00523
DNA interstrand
crosslinks, such as those formed by
psoralen-UVA irradiation, are highly toxic
lesions in both humans and bacteria, with a
single lesion being lethal in Escherichia
coli. Despite the lack of effective
repair, human cancers and bacteria can develop
resistance to crosslinking treatments,
although the mechanisms of resistance remain
poorly defined. Here, we subjected E. coli
to repeated psoralen-UVA exposures to isolate
three independently derived strains that were
greater than 10,000-fold more resistant to
this treatment than the parental strain.
Analysis of these strains identified
gain-of-function mutations in the
transcriptional regulator AcrR and the alpha
subunit of RNA polymerase that, together,
could account for the resistance of these
strains. Resistance conferred by AcrR mutation
is mediated at least in part through
regulation of the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump.
Resistance via the mutations in the alpha
subunit of RNA polymerase occurs through a
still uncharacterized mechanism that is
additive in effect with mutations in AcrR.
Both acrR and rpoA mutations
reduced crosslink formation in vivo.
We discuss potential mechanisms in relation to
the ability to repair and survive interstrand
DNA crosslinks.-
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sequences switch the RecBCD
helicase-nuclease complex from
degradative to replicative modes
during the completion of DNA
- Hamilton NA;
Jehru AE; Samples WN; Wendel BM; Mokhtari
PD; Courcelle CT; Courcelle J
- J Biol
Chem (2023) 299:103013
- Accurately completing
DNA replication when two forks converge is
essential to genomic stability. The RecBCD
helicase-nuclease complex plays a central
role in completion by promoting resection
and joining of the excess DNA created when
replisomes converge. chi sequences alter
RecBCD activity and localize with cross-over
hotspots during sexual events in bacteria,
yet their functional role during chromosome
replication remains unknown. Here, we use
two-dimensional agarose gel analysis to show
that chi induces replication on substrates
containing convergent forks. The
induced-replication is processive, but
uncoupled with respect to leading and
lagging strand synthesis, and can be
suppressed by ter sites which limit
replisome progression. Our observations
demonstrate that convergent replisomes
create a substrate that is processed by
RecBCD, and that chi, when encountered,
switches RecBCD from a degradative to
replicative function. We propose that chi
serves to functionally differentiate DNA
ends created during completion, which
require degradation, from those created by
chromosomal double-strand breaks, which
require resynthesis.
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Recombination Mediator
Proteins: Misnomers That Are Key to Understanding
the Genomic Instabilities in Cancer
- Courcelle J; Worley TK;
Courcelle CT
- Genes (2022)
- Recombination mediator proteins have
come into focus as promising targets for cancer therapy,
with synthetic lethal approaches now clinically validated by
the efficacy of PARP inhibitors in treating BRCA2 cancers
and RECQ inhibitors in treating cancers with microsatellite
instabilities. Thus, understanding the cellular role of
recombination mediators is critically important, both to
improve current therapies and develop new ones that target
these pathways. Our mechanistic understanding of BRCA2 and
RECQ began in Escherichia coli. Here, we review the cellular
roles of RecF and RecQ, often considered functional homologs
of these proteins in bacteria. Although these proteins were
originally isolated as genes that were required during
replication in sexual cell cycles that produce recombinant
products, we now know that their function is similarly
required during replication in asexual or mitotic-like cell
cycles, where recombination is detrimental and generally not
observed. Cells mutated in these gene products are unable to
protect and process replication forks blocked at DNA damage,
resulting in high rates of cell lethality and recombination
events that compromise genome integrity during replication.
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UV-induced DNA damage
disrupts the coordination
between replication
initiation, elongation and
- Wendel
BM; Hollingsworth S;
Courcelle CT; Courcelle J
- Genes to Cells
(2021) 26:94-108
initiation, elongation and
completion are tightly
coordinated to ensure that all
sequences replicate precisely
once each generation.
UV-induced DNA damage disrupts
replication and delays
elongation, which may
compromise this coordination
leading to genome instability
and cell death. Here, we
profiled the Escherichia coli
genome as it recovers from UV
irradiation to determine how
these replicational processes
respond. We show that oriC
initiations continue to occur,
leading to copy number
enrichments in this region. At
late times, the combination of
new oriC initiations and
delayed elongating forks
converging in the terminus
appear to stress or impair the
completion reaction, leading
to a transient
over-replication in this
region of the chromosome. In
mutants impaired for restoring
elongation, including recA,
recF and uvrA, the genome
degrades or remains static,
suggesting that cell death
occurs early after replication
is disrupted, leaving
partially duplicated genomes.
In mutants impaired for
completing replication,
including recBC, sbcCD xonA
and recG, the recovery of
elongation and initiation
leads to a bottleneck, where
the nonterminus region of the
genome is amplified and
accumulates, indicating that a
delayed cell death occurs in
these mutants, likely
resulting from mis-segregation
of unbalanced or unresolved
chromosomes when cells divide.-
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associated with DNA
replication disruption are
not observed in hydrogen
Escherichia coli
- Hoff
CA; Schmidt SS; Hackert BJ; Worley
TK; Courcelle J; Courcelle CT
- G3-
Genes Genomes Genetics (2021)
- Abstract: UV irradiation
induces pyrimidine dimers that block
polymerases and disrupt the
replisome. Restoring replication
depends on the recF pathway proteins
which process and maintain the
replication fork DNA to allow the
lesion to be repaired before
replication resumes. Oxidative DNA
lesions, such as those induced by
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), are often
thought to require similar
processing events, yet far less is
known about how cells process
oxidative damage during replication.
Here we show that replication is not
disrupted by H2O2-induced DNA damage
in vivo. Following an initial
inhibition, replication resumes in
the absence of either lesion removal
or RecF-processing. Restoring DNA
synthesis depends on the presence of
manganese in the medium, which we
show is required for replication,
but not repair to occur. The results
demonstrate that replication is
enzymatically inactivated, rather
than physically disrupted by
H2O2-induced DNA damage; indicate
that inactivation is likely caused
by oxidation of an iron-dependent
replication or
replication-associated protein that
requires manganese to restore
activity and synthesis; and address
a long standing paradox as to why
oxidative glycosylase mutants are
defective in repair, yet not
hypersensitive to H2O2. The
oxygen-sensitive pausing may
represent an adaptation that
prevents replication from occurring
under potentially lethal or
mutagenic conditions.
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Ligase A and
RNase HI Participate in Completing
Replication on the Chromosome in
Escherichia coli
- Wendel
BM; Hernandez AJ; Courcelle J;
Courcelle CT
(2021) 1:13-25
- Abstract:
In Escherichia coli, several
enzymes have been identified that
participate in completing
replication on the chromosome,
including RecG, SbcCD, ExoI, and
RecBCD. However, other enzymes are
likely to be involved and the
precise enzymatic mechanism by which
this reaction occurs remains
unknown. Two steps predicted to be
necessary to complete replication
are removal of Okazaki RNA fragments
and ligation of the nascent strands
at convergent replication forks. E.
coli encodes two RNases that remove
RNA-DNA hybrids, rnhA and rnhB,
as well as two ligases, ligA and
ligB. Here, we used replication
profiling to show that rnhA
and ligA, encoding RNase HI
and Ligase A, participate in the
completion reaction. Deletion of
rnhA impaired the ability to
complete replication and resulted in
over-replication in the terminus
region. It additionally suppressed
initiation events from oriC,
suggesting a role for the enzyme in
oriC-dependent initiation, as has
been suggested previously. We also
show that a temperature-sensitive
mutation in Ligase A led to
over-replication at sites where
replication completes, and that
degradation at these sites occurred
upon shifting to the nonpermissive
temperature. Deletion of rnhB or
ligB did not affect the growth or
profile of replication on the
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Manganese Is
Required for the Rapid Recovery of
DNA Synthesis following Oxidative
Challenge in Escherichia coli
- Hutfilz
CR; Wang NE; Hoff CA; Lee JA;
Hackert BJ; Courcelle J; Courcelle
- J
Bacteriol (2019) 201:e00426-19
- Abstract: Divalent metals
such as iron and manganese play an
important role in the cellular
response to oxidative challenges and
are required as cofactors by many
enzymes. However, how these metals
affect replication after oxidative
challenge is not known. Here, we
show that replication in Escherichia
coli is inhibited following a
challenge with hydrogen peroxide and
requires manganese for the rapid
recovery of DNA synthesis. We show
that the manganese-dependent
recovery of DNA synthesis occurs
independent of lesion repair,
modestly improves cell survival, and
is associated with elevated rates of
mutagenesis. The Mn-dependent
mutagenesis involves both
replicative and translesion
polymerases and requires prior
disruption by H2O2
to occur. Taking these findings
together, we propose that
replication in E. coli is
likely to utilize an iron-dependent
enzyme(s) that becomes oxidized and
inactivated during oxidative
challenges. The data suggest that
manganese remetallates these or
alternative enzymes to allow genomic
DNA replication to resume, although
with reduced fidelity.
- Importance:
Iron and manganese play important
roles in how cell's cope with oxygen
stress. However, how these metals
affect the ability of cells to
replicate after oxidative challenges
is not known. Here, we show that
replication in Escherichia coli
is inhibited following a challenge
with hydrogen peroxide and requires
manganese for the rapid recovery of
DNA synthesis. The
manganese-dependent recovery of DNA
synthesis occurs independently of
lesion repair and modestly improves
survival, but it also increases the
mutation rate in cells. The results
imply that replication in E.
coli is likely to utilize an
iron-dependent enzyme(s) that
becomes oxidized and inactivated
during oxidative challenges. We
propose that manganese remetallates
these or alternative enzymes to
allow genomic DNA replication to
resume, although with reduced
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SbcCD and ExoI process a substrate created
by convergent replisomes to complete DNA
- Hamilton
NA; Wendel BM; Weber EA; Courcelle CT;
Courcelle J
- Mol
Microbiol (2019) 111:1638-1651
- Abstract: The
accurate completion of DNA replication on
the chromosome requires RecBCD and structure
specific SbcCD and ExoI nucleases. However,
the substrates and mechanism by which this
reaction occurs remains unknown. Here we
show that these completion enzymes operate
on plasmid substrates containing two
replisomes, but are not required for
plasmids containing one replisome.
Completion on the two-replisome plasmids
requires RecBCD, but does not require RecA
and no broken intermediates accumulate in
its absence, indicating that the completion
reaction occurs normally in the absence of
any double-strand breaks. Further, similar
to the chromosome, we show that when the
normal completion reaction is prevented, an
aberrant RecA-mediated recombination process
leads to amplifications that drive most of
the instabilities associated with the
two-replisome substrates. The observations
imply that the substrate SbcCD, ExoI and
RecBCD act upon in vivo is created
specifically by two convergent replisomes,
and demonstrate that the function of RecBCD
in completing replication is independent of
double-strand break repair, and likely
promotes joining of the strands of the
convergent replication forks.
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Limited Capacity or
Involvement of Excision Repair,
Double-Strand Breaks, or Translesion
Synthesis for
Psoralen Cross-Link
Repair in Escherichia coli
- Cole JM; Acott JD;
Courcelle CT; Courcelle J
- Genetics
(2018) 210:99-112
- Abstract: DNA
interstrand cross-links are complex lesions that
covalently bind complementary strands of DNA and
whose mechanism of repair remains poorly understood.
In Escherichia coli, several gene products have been
proposed to be involved in cross-link repair based
on the hypersensitivity of mutants to cross-linking
agents. However, cross-linking agents induce several
forms of DNA damage, making it challenging to
attribute mutant hypersensitivity specifically to
interstrand cross-links. To address this, we
compared the survival of UVA-irradiated repair
mutants in the presence of 8-methoxypsoralen-which
forms interstrand cross-links and monoadducts-to
that of angelicin-a congener forming only
monoadducts. We show that incision by nucleotide
excision repair is not required for resistance to
interstrand cross-links. In addition, neither RecN
nor DNA polymerases II, IV, or V is required for
interstrand cross-link survival, arguing against
models that involve critical roles for double-strand
break repair or translesion synthesis in the repair
process. Finally, estimates based on Southern
analysis of DNA fragments in alkali agarose gels
indicate that lethality occurs in wild-type cells at
doses producing as few as one to two interstrand
cross-links per genome. These observations suggest
that E. coli may lack an efficient repair mechanism
for this form of damage.
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SbcC-SbcD and ExoI
process convergent forks to complete
chromosome replication
- Wendel BM; Cole JM;
Courcelle CT; Courcelle J
- Proc Natl Acad
Sci U S A. (2018) 115:349-354
- Abstract: SbcC-SbcD are the bacterial
orthologs of Mre11-Rad50, a nuclease complex
essential for genome stability, normal development,
and viability in mammals. In vitro, these enzymes
degrade long DNA palindromic structures. When
inactivated along with ExoI in Escherichia coli,
or Sae2 in eukaryotes, palindromic amplifications
arise and propagate in cells. However, long DNA
palindromes are not normally found in bacterial or
human genomes, leaving the cellular substrates and
function of these enzymes unknown. Here, we show
that during the completion of DNA replication,
convergent replication forks form a palindrome-like
structural intermediate that requires nucleolytic
processing by SbcC-SbcD and ExoI before chromosome
replication can be completed. Inactivation of these
nucleases prevents completion from occurring, and
under these conditions, cells maintain viability by
shunting the reaction through an aberrant
recombinational pathway that leads to amplifications
and instability in this region. The results identify
replication completion as an event critical to
maintain genome integrity and cell viability,
demonstrate SbcC-SbcD-ExoI acts before RecBCD and is
required to initiate the completion reaction, and
reveal how defects in completion result in genomic
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Replication rapidly
recovers and continues in the presence of
hydroxyurea in Escherichia coli
- Nazaretyan SA; Savic
N; Sadek M; Hackert BJ; Courcelle J; Courcelle CT
- J Bacteriol
(2017) pii: JB.00713-17
- Abstract: In both
prokaryotes and eukaryotes, hydroxyurea is suggested
to inhibit DNA replication by inactivating
ribonucleotide reductase and depleting
deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate pools. In this
study, we show that the inhibition of replication in
Escherichia coli is transient even at
concentrations of 0.1 M hydroxyurea and that
replication rapidly recovers and continues in its
presence. The recovery of replication does not
require the alternative ribonucleotide reductases,
NrdEF and NrdDG, or translesion DNA polymerases, Pol
II, Pol IV, or Pol V. Ribonucleotides are
incorporated at higher frequencies during
replication in the presence of hydroxyurea. However,
these do not contribute significantly to the
observed synthesis or toxicity. Hydroxyurea toxicity
was only observed under conditions where the
stability of hydroxyurea was compromised and
byproducts, known to damage DNA directly, were
allowed to accumulate. The results demonstrate that
hydroxyurea is not a direct or specific inhibitor of
DNA synthesis in vivo, and that the
transient inhibition observed is most likely due to
a general depletion of iron cofactors from enzymes
when 0.1 M hydroxyurea is initially applied.
Finally, the results support previous studies
suggesting that hydroxyurea toxicity is mediated
primarily through direct DNA damage induced by the
breakdown products of hydroxyurea, rather than by
inhibition of replication or depletion of
deoxyribonucleotide levels in the cell.
- Importance: Hydroxyurea
is commonly suggested to function by inhibiting DNA
replication through the inactivation of
ribonucleotide reductase and depleting
deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate pools. Here, we
show that hydroxyurea only transiently inhibits
replication in Escherichia coli before it
rapidly recovers and continues in the presence of
this drug. The recovery of replication does not
depend on alternative ribonucleotide reductases,
translesion synthesis, or RecA. Further we show that
hydroxyurea toxicity is only observed after toxic
intermediates that accumulate when hydroxyurea
breaks down, damage DNA and induce lethality. The
results demonstrate that hydroxyurea toxicity is
mediated indirectly by the formation of DNA damage,
rather than by an inhibition of replication or
depletion of deoxyribonucleotide levels in the cell.
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Cho Endonuclease Functions during DNA Interstrand
Cross-Link Repair in Escherichia coli
- Perera AV; Mendenhall JB;
Courcelle CT; Courcelle J
- J Bacteriol (2016)
- Abstract: DNA interstrand
cross-links are complex lesions that covalently link both
strands of the duplex DNA. Lesion removal is proposed to be
initiated via the UvrABC nucleotide excision repair complex;
however, less is known about the subsequent steps of this
complex repair pathway. In this study, we characterized the
contribution of nucleotide excision repair mutants to
survival in the presence of psoralen-induced damage.
Unexpectedly, we observed that the nucleotide excision
repair mutants exhibit differential sensitivity to
psoralen-induced damage, with uvrC mutants being less
sensitive than either uvrA or uvrB We show that Cho, an
alternative endonuclease, acts with UvrAB and is responsible
for the reduced hypersensitivity of uvrC mutants. We find
that Cho's contribution to survival correlates with the
presence of DNA interstrand cross-links, rather than
monoadducts, and operates at a step after, or independently
from, the initial incision during the global repair of
psoralen DNA adducts from the genome.
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- RecBCD is required to complete
chromosomal replication: Implications for double-strand
break frequencies and repair mechanisms
- Courcelle J; Wendel BM;
Livingstone DD; Courcelle CT
- DNA Repair (2015)
- Abstract: Several aspects of the
mechanism of homologous double-strand break repair
remain unclear. Although intensive efforts have focused
on how recombination reactions initiate, far less is
known about the molecular events that follow. Based upon
biochemical studies, current models propose that RecBCD
processes double-strand ends and loads RecA to initiate
recombinational repair. However, recent studies have
shown that RecBCD plays a critical role in completing
replication events on the chromosome through a mechanism
that does not involve RecA or recombination. Here, we
examine several studies, both early and recent, that
suggest RecBCD also operates late in the recombination
process- after initiation, strand invasion, and
crossover resolution have occurred. Similar to its role
in completing replication, we propose a model in which
RecBCD is required to resect and resolve the DNA
synthesis associated with homologous recombination at
the point where the missing sequences on the broken
molecule have been restored. We explain how the impaired
ability to complete chromosome replication in recBC and
recD mutants is likely to account for the loss of
viability and genome instability in these mutants, and
conclude that spontaneous double-strand breaks and
replication fork collapse occur far less frequently than
previously speculated.
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Completion of DNA replication in Escherichia coli
Wendel BM; Courcelle CT; Courcelle J
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2014) 111:16454-9
Abstract: The mechanism by which cells recognize and
complete replicated regions at their precise doubling point must
be remarkably efficient, occurring thousands of times per cell
division along the chromosomes of humans. However, this process
remains poorly understood. Here we show that, in Escherichia
coli, the completion of replication involves an enzymatic system
that effectively counts pairs and limits cellular replication to
its doubling point by allowing converging replication forks to
transiently continue through the doubling point before the
excess, over-replicated regions are incised, resected, and
joined. Completion requires RecBCD and involves several proteins
associated with repairing double-strand breaks including, ExoI,
SbcDC, and RecG. However, unlike double-strand break repair,
completion occurs independently of homologous recombination and
RecA. In some bacterial viruses, the completion mechanism is
specifically targeted for inactivation to allow over-replication
to occur during lytic replication. The results suggest that a
primary cause of genomic instabilities in many
double-strand-break-repair mutants arises from an impaired
ability to complete replication, independent from DNA damage.
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Fate of the replisome following arrest by
UV-induced DNA damage in Escherichia coli
Jeiranian HA; Schalow BJ; Courcelle CT;
Courcelle J
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 110:11421-6
Abstract: Accurate replication in the presence of DNA
damage is essential to genome stability and viability in all
cells. In Escherichia coli, DNA replication forks blocked by
UV-induced damage undergo a partial resection and RecF-catalyzed
regression before synthesis resumes. These processing events
generate distinct structural intermediates on the DNA that can
be visualized in vivo using 2D agarose gels. However, the fate
and behavior of the stalled replisome remains a central
uncharacterized question. Here, we use thermosensitive mutants
to show that the replisome's polymerases uncouple and
transiently dissociate from the DNA in vivo. Inactivation of α,
β, or τ subunits within the replisome is sufficient to signal
and induce the RecF-mediated processing events observed
following UV damage. By contrast, the helicase-primase complex
(DnaB and DnaG) remains critically associated with the fork,
leading to a loss of fork integrity, degradation, and aberrant
intermediates when disrupted. The results reveal a dynamic
replisome, capable of partial disassembly to allow access to the
obstruction, while retaining subunits that maintain fork
licensing and direct reassembly to the appropriate location
after processing has occurred
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Participation in Nucleotide
Excision Repair Is Required for
the Recovery of DNA Synthesis
following UV-Induced Damage in
Escherichia coli
- Newton
KN, Courcelle CT, Courcelle J
- J Nucleic
Acids (2012) 2012:271453
- Abstract: UvrD is
a DNA helicase that participates in
nucleotide excision repair and several
replication-associated processes,
including methyl-directed mismatch
repair and recombination. UvrD is
capable of displacing oligonucleotides
from synthetic forked DNA structures
in vitro and is essential for
viability in the absence of Rep, a
helicase associated with processing
replication forks. These observations
have led others to propose that UvrD
may promote fork regression and
facilitate resetting of the
replication fork following arrest.
However, the molecular activity of
UvrD at replication forks in vivo has
not been directly examined. In this
study, we characterized the role UvrD
has in processing and restoring
replication forks following arrest by
UV-induced DNA damage. We show that
UvrD is required for DNA synthesis to
recover. However, in the absence of
UvrD, the displacement and partial
degradation of the nascent DNA at the
arrested fork occur normally. In
addition, damage-induced replication
intermediates persist and accumulate
in uvrD mutants in a manner that is
similar to that observed in other
nucleotide excision repair mutants.
These data indicate that, following
arrest by DNA damage, UvrD is not
required to catalyze fork regression
in vivo and suggest that the failure
of uvrD mutants to restore DNA
synthesis following UV-induced arrest
relates to its role in nucleotide
excision repair.
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of the primosome and rep helicase in
processing and restoration of
replication following arrest by
UV-induced DNA damage in Escherichia
Courcelle CT, Landstrom AJ,
Anderson B, Courcelle J
Bacteriol (2012) 194:3977-86
- Abstract:
Following arrest by UV-induced DNA
damage, replication is restored
through a sequence of steps that
involve partial resection of the
nascent DNA by RecJ and RecQ, branch
migration and processing of the fork
DNA surrounding the lesion by RecA
and RecF-O-R, and resumption of DNA
synthesis once the blocking lesion
has been repaired or bypassed. In
vitro, the primosomal proteins
(PriA, PriB, and PriC) and Rep are
capable of initiating replication
from synthetic DNA fork structures,
and they have been proposed to
catalyze these events when
replication is disrupted by certain
impediments in vivo. Here, we
characterized the role that PriA,
PriB, PriC, and Rep have in
processing and restoring replication
forks following arrest by UV-induced
DNA damage. We show that the partial
degradation and processing of the
arrested replication fork occurs
normally in both rep and primosome
mutants. In each mutant, the nascent
degradation ceases and DNA synthesis
initially resumes in a timely
manner, but the recovery then stalls
in the absence of PriA, PriB, or
Rep. The results demonstrate a role
for the primosome and Rep helicase
in overcoming replication forks
arrested by UV-induced damage in
vivo and suggest that these proteins
are required for the stability and
efficiency of the replisome when DNA
synthesis resumes but not to
initiate de novo replication
downstream of the lesion.
replication reduces RecA-mediated
repair of UV-damaged plasmids
introduced into competent Escherichia
- Jeiranian
HA, Courcelle CT, Courcelle J
- Plasmid (2012)
- Abstract: Transformation
of Escherichia coli with purified plasmids
containing DNA damage is frequently used as
a tool to characterize repair pathways that
operate on chromosomes. In this study, we
used an assay that allowed us to quantify
plasmid survival and to compare how
efficiently various repair pathways operate
on plasmid DNA introduced into cells
relative to their efficiency on chromosomal
DNA. We observed distinct differences
between the mechanisms operating on the
transforming plasmid DNA and the chromosome.
An average of one UV-induced lesion was
sufficient to inactivate ColE1-based
plasmids introduced into nucleotide excision
repair mutants, suggesting an essential role
for repair on newly introduced plasmid DNA.
By contrast, the absence of RecA, RecF,
RecBC, RecG, or RuvAB had a minimal effect
on the survival of the transforming plasmid
DNA containing UV-induced damage. Neither
the presence of an endogenous homologous
plasmid nor the induction of the SOS
response enhanced the survival of
transforming plasmids. Using two-dimensional
agarose-gel analysis, both replication- and
RecA-dependent structures that were observed
on established, endogenous plasmids
following UV-irradiation, failed to form on
UV-irradiated plasmids introduced into E.
coli. We interpret these observations to
suggest that the lack of RecA-mediated
survival is likely to be due to inefficient
replication that occurs when plasmids are
initially introduced into cells, rather than
to the plasmid's size, the absence of
homologous sequences, or levels of recA
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Mfd is required for rapid recovery of
transcription following UV-induced DNA damage
but not oxidative DNA damage in Escherichia
- Schalow BJ,
Courcelle CT, Courcelle J
- J Bacteriol (2012)
- Abstract: Transcription-coupled
repair (TCR) is a cellular process by which some
forms of DNA damage are repaired more rapidly from
transcribed strands of active genes than from
nontranscribed strands or the overall genome. In
humans, the TCR coupling factor, CSB, plays a
critical role in restoring transcription following
both UV-induced and oxidative DNA damage. It also
contributes indirectly to the global repair of some
forms of oxidative DNA damage. The Escherichia coli
homolog, Mfd, is similarly required for TCR of
UV-induced lesions. However, its contribution to the
restoration of transcription and to global repair of
oxidative damage has not been examined. Here, we
report the first direct study of transcriptional
recovery following UV-induced and oxidative DNA
damage in E. coli. We observed that mutations in mfd
or uvrA reduced the rate that transcription
recovered following UV-induced damage. In contrast,
no difference was detected in the rate of
transcription recovery in mfd, uvrA, fpg, nth, or
polB dinB umuDC mutants relative to wild-type cells
following oxidative damage. mfd mutants were also
fully resistant to hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and
removed oxidative lesions from the genome at rates
comparable to wild-type cells. The results
demonstrate that Mfd promotes the rapid recovery of
gene expression following UV-induced damage in E.
coli. In addition, these findings imply that Mfd may
be functionally distinct from its human CSB homolog
in that it does not detectably contribute to the
recovery of gene expression or global repair
following oxidative damage.
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Escherichia coli Fpg glycosylase is nonrendundant
and required for the rapid global repair of oxidized
purine and pyrimidine damage in vivo
- Schalow
BJ, Courcelle CT, Courcelle J
- J Mol Biol.
(2011) J410(:183-93
- Abstract:
Endonuclease (Endo) III and formamidopyrimidine-N-glycosylase
(Fpg) are two of the predominant DNA glycosylases in
Escherichia coli that remove oxidative base damage. In cell
extracts and purified form, Endo III is generally more active
toward oxidized pyrimidines, while Fpg is more active towards
oxidized purines. However, the substrate specificities of
these enzymes partially overlap in vitro. Less is known about
the relative contribution of these enzymes in restoring the
genomic template following oxidative damage. In this study, we
examined how efficiently Endo III and Fpg repair their
oxidative substrates in vivo following treatment with hydrogen
peroxide. We found that Fpg was nonredundant and required to
rapidly remove its substrate lesions on the chromosome. In
addition, Fpg also repaired a significant portion of the
lesions recognized by Endo III, suggesting that it plays a
prominent role in the global repair of both purine damage and
pyrimidine damage in vivo. By comparison, Endo III did not
affect the repair rate of Fpg substrates and was only
responsible for repairing a subset of its own substrate
lesions in vivo. The absence of Endo VIII or nucleotide
excision repair did not significantly affect the global repair
of either Fpg or Endo III substrates in vivo. Surprisingly,
replication recovered after oxidative DNA damage in all
mutants examined, even when lesions persisted in the DNA,
suggesting the presence of an efficient mechanism to process
or overcome oxidative damage encountered during replication.
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Visualization of UV-induced
replication intermediates in E. coli using two-dimensional
agarose-gel analysis
- Jeiranian HA, Schalow BJ,
Courcelle J.
- J Vis Exp. (2010) 46:2220
- Abstract: Inaccurate
replication in the presence of DNA damage is responsible for the
majority of cellular rearrangements and mutagenesis observed in
all cell types and is widely believed to be directly associated
with the development of cancer in humans. DNA damage, such as
that induced by UV irradiation, severely impairs the ability of
replication to duplicate the genomic template accurately. A
number of gene products have been identified that are required
when replication encounters DNA lesions in the template.
However, a remaining challenge has been to determine how these
proteins process lesions during replication in vivo. Using
Escherichia coli as a model system, we describe a procedure in
which two-dimensional agarose-gel analysis can be used to
identify the structural intermediates that arise on replicating
plasmids in vivo following UV-induced DNA damage. This procedure
has been used to demonstrate that replication forks blocked by
UV-induced damage undergo a transient reversal that is
stabilized by RecA and several gene products associated with the
RecF pathway. The technique demonstrates that these replication
intermediates are maintained until a time that correlates with
the removal of the lesions by nucleotide excision repair and
replication resumes.
- Manuscript
ATP binding,
ATP hydrolysis, and protein dimerization are required for RecF
to catalyze an early step in the processing and recovery of
replication forks disrupted by DNA damage
Michel-Marks E, Courcelle CT,
Korolev S, Courcelle J
J Mol Biol (2010) 401:579-89
Abstract: In Escherichia coli, the recovery of
replication following disruption by UV-induced DNA damage
requires the RecF protein and occurs through a process that
involves stabilization of replication fork DNA, resection of
nascent DNA to allow the offending lesion to be repaired, and
reestablishment of a productive replisome on the DNA. RecF forms
a homodimer and contains an ATP binding cassette ATPase domain
that is conserved among eukaryotic SMC (structural maintenance
of chromosome) proteins, including cohesin, condensin, and
Rad50. Here, we investigated the functions of RecF dimerization,
ATP binding, and ATP hydrolysis in the progressive steps
involved in recovering DNA synthesis following disruption by DNA
damage. RecF point mutations with altered biochemical properties
were constructed in the chromosome. We observed that protein
dimerization, ATP binding, and ATP hydrolysis were essential for
maintaining and processing the arrested replication fork, as
well as for restoring DNA synthesis. In contrast, stabilization
of the RecF protein dimer partially protected the DNA at the
arrested fork from degradation, although overall processing and
recovery remained severely impaired.
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repair is a predominant mechanism for processing
nitrofurazone-induced DNA damage in Escherichia coli
Ona KR, Courcelle
CT, Courcelle J
J Bacteriol. (2009) 191:4959-65
- Abstract: Nitrofurazone is reduced by cellular
nitroreductases to form N(2)-deoxyguanine (N(2)-dG) adducts that
are associated with mutagenesis and lethality. Much attention
recently has been given to the role that the highly conserved
polymerase IV (Pol IV) family of polymerases plays in tolerating
adducts induced by nitrofurazone and other N(2)-dG-generating
agents, yet little is known about how nitrofurazone-induced DNA
damage is processed by the cell. In this study, we characterized
the genetic repair pathways that contribute to survival and
mutagenesis in Escherichia coli cultures grown in the presence
of nitrofurazone. We find that nucleotide excision repair is a
primary mechanism for processing damage induced by
nitrofurazone. The contribution of translesion synthesis to
survival was minor compared to that of nucleotide excision
repair and depended upon Pol IV. In addition, survival also
depended on both the RecF and RecBCD pathways. We also found
that nitrofurazone acts as a direct inhibitor of DNA replication
at higher concentrations. We show that the direct inhibition of
replication by nitrofurazone occurs independently of DNA damage
and is reversible once the nitrofurazone is removed. Previous
studies that reported nucleotide excision repair mutants that
were fully resistant to nitrofurazone used high concentrations
of the drug (200 microM) and short exposure times. We
demonstrate here that these conditions inhibit replication but
are insufficient in duration to induce significant levels of DNA
Shifting replication
between IInd, IIIrd, and IVth gears
Courcelle J
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2009)
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recovery of arrested DNA replication forks
Al-Hadid Q, Ona K, Courcelle CT, Courcelle J.
Mutat Res. (2008) 645:19-26
- Abstract: RecA is required for recombinational
processes and cell survival following UV-induced DNA
damage. recA433 is a historically important mutant
allele that contains a single amino acid substitution
(R243H). This mutation separates the recombination and
survival functions of RecA. recA433 mutants remain
proficient in recombination as measured by conjugation
or transduction, but are hypersensitive to UV-induced
DNA damage. The cellular functions carried out by RecA
require either recF pathway proteins or recBC pathway
proteins to initiate RecA-loading onto the appropriate
DNA substrates. In this study, we characterized the
ability of recA433 to carry out functions associated
with either the recF pathway or recBC pathway. We show
that several phenotypic deficiencies exhibited by
recA433 mutants are similar to recF mutants but distinct
from recBC mutants. In contrast to recBC mutants,
recA433 and recF mutants fail to process or resume
replication following disruption by UV-induced DNA
damage. However, recA433 and recF mutants remain
proficient in conjugational recombination and are
resistant to formaldehyde-induced protein-DNA
crosslinks, functions that are impaired in recBC
mutants. The results are consistent with a model in
which the recA433 mutation selectively impairs RecA
functions associated with the RecF pathway, while
retaining the ability to carry out RecBCD
pathway-mediated functions. These results are discussed
in the context of the recF and recBC pathways and the
potential substrates utilized in each case.
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RecBCD and RecJ/RecQ Initiate DNA Degradation
on Distinct Substrates in UV-Irradiated
Escherichia coli
- Chow KH; Courcelle J
- Rad Research (2007)
- Abstract: After UV
irradiation, recA mutants fail to recover replication,
and a dramatic and nearly complete degradation of the
genomic DNA occurs. Although the RecBCD
helicase/nuclease complex is known to mediate this
catastrophic DNA degradation, it is not known how or
where this degradation is initiated. Previous studies
have speculated that RecBCD targets and initiates
degradation from the nascent DNA at replication forks
arrested by DNA damage. To test this question, we
examined which enzymes were responsible for the
degradation of genomic DNA and the nascent DNA in
UV-irradiated recA cells. We show here that, although
RecBCD degrades the genomic DNA after UV irradiation, it
does not target the nascent DNA at arrested replication
forks. Instead, we observed that the nascent DNA at
arrested replication forks in recA cultures is degraded
by RecJ/RecQ, similar to what occurs in wild-type
cultures. These findings indicate that the genomic DNA
degradation and nascent DNA degradation in UV-irradiated
recA mutants are mediated separately through RecBCD and
RecJ/RecQ, respectively. In addition, they demonstrate
that RecBCD initiates degradation at a site(s) other
than the arrested replication fork directly.
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Inactivation of the DnaB helicase leads
to the collapse and degradation of the replication fork:
a comparison to UV-induced arrest
Belle JJ; Casey A; Courcelle CT;
Courcelle J
J Bacteriol (2007) 189:5452-62
Abstract: Replication forks face a
variety of structurally diverse impediments that can prevent
them from completing their task. The mechanism by which cells
overcome these hurdles is likely to vary depending on the
nature of the obstacle and the strand in which the impediment
is encountered. Both UV-induced DNA damage and thermosensitive
replication proteins have been used in model systems to
inhibit DNA replication and characterize the mechanism by
which it recovers. In this study, we examined the molecular
events that occur at replication forks following inactivation
of a thermosensitive DnaB helicase and found that they are
distinct from those that occur following arrest at UV-induced
DNA damage. Following UV-induced DNA damage, the integrity of
replication forks is maintained and protected from extensive
degradation by RecA, RecF, RecO, and RecR until replication
can resume. By contrast, inactivation of DnaB results in
extensive degradation of the nascent and leading-strand
template DNA and a loss of replication fork integrity as
monitored by two-dimensional agarose gel analysis. The
degradation that occurs following DnaB inactivation partially
depends on several genes, including recF, recO, recR, recJ,
recG, and xonA. Furthermore, the thermosensitive DnaB allele
prevents UV-induced DNA degradation from occurring following
arrest even at the permissive temperature, suggesting a role
for DnaB prior to loading of the RecFOR proteins. We discuss
these observations in relation to potential models for both
UV-induced and DnaB(Ts)-mediated replication inhibition.
Structural conservation of RecF and Rad50:
implications for DNA recognition and RecF
- Koroleva O; Makharashvili N; Courcelle CT;
Courcelle J; Korolev S
- EMBO J (2007) 26:867-77
- Abstract: RecF, together with RecO and
RecR, belongs to a ubiquitous group of recombination
mediators (RMs) that includes eukaryotic proteins
such as Rad52 and BRCA2. RMs help maintain genome
stability in the presence of DNA damage by loading
RecA-like recombinases and displacing
single-stranded DNA-binding proteins. Here, we
present the crystal structure of RecF from
Deinococcus radiodurans. RecF exhibits a high degree
of structural similarity with the head domain of
Rad50, but lacks its long coiled-coil region. The
structural homology between RecF and Rad50 is
extensive, encompassing the ATPase subdomain and the
so-called 'Lobe II' subdomain of Rad50. The
pronounced structural conservation between bacterial
RecF and evolutionarily diverged eukaryotic Rad50
implies a conserved mechanism of DNA binding and
recognition of the boundaries of double-stranded DNA
regions. The RecF structure, mutagenesis of
conserved motifs and ATP-dependent dimerization of
RecF are discussed with respect to its role in
promoting presynaptic complex formation at DNA
damage sites.
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RuvABC is required to resolve holliday junctions
that accumulate following replication on damaged
templates in Escherichia coli
- Donaldson JR; Courcelle CT; Courcelle J
- J Biol Chem (2006) 281:28811-21.
- Abstract: RuvABC is a complex that promotes
branch migration and resolution of Holliday junctions.
While ruv mutants are hypersensitive to UV irradiation,
the molecular event(s) that necessitate RuvABC processing
in vivo are not known. Here, we used a combination of
two-dimensional gel analysis and electron microscopy to
reveal that although ruvAB and ruvC mutants are able to
resume replication following arrest at UV-induced lesions,
molecules that replicate in the presence of DNA damage
accumulate unresolved Holliday junctions. The failure to
resolve the Holliday junctions on the fully replicated
molecules correlates with a delayed loss of genomic
integrity that is likely to account for the loss of
viability in these cells. The strand exchange
intermediates that accumulate in ruv mutants are distinct
from those observed at arrested replication forks and are
not subject to resolution by RecG. These results indicate
that the Holliday junctions observed in ruv mutants are
intermediates of a repair pathway that is distinct from
that of the recovery of arrested replication forks. A
model is proposed in which RuvABC is required to resolve
junctions that arise during the repair of a subset of
non-arresting lesions after replication has passed through
the template.
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Nascent DNA processing by RecJ favors lesion repair
over translesion synthesis at arrested replication forks
in Escherichia coli
- Courcelle CT; Chow KH; Casey A;
Courcelle J
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006)
- Abstract: DNA lesions that
arrest replication can lead to rearrangements, mutations, or
lethality when not processed accurately. After UV-induced DNA
damage in Escherichia coli,
RecA and several recF pathway proteins are thought to process
arrested replication forks and ensure that replication resumes
accurately. Here, we show that the RecJ nuclease and RecQ
helicase, which partially degrade the nascent DNA at blocked
replication forks, are required for the rapid recovery of DNA
synthesis and prevent the potentially mutagenic bypass of UV
lesions. In the absence of RecJ, or to a lesser extent RecQ, the
recovery of replication is significantly delayed, and both the
recovery and cell survival become dependent on translesion
synthesis by polymerase V. The RecJ-mediated processing is
proposed to restore the region containing the lesion to a form
that allows repair enzymes to remove the blocking lesion and DNA
synthesis to resume. In the absence of nascent DNA processing,
polymerase V can synthesize past the lesion to prevent
lethality, although this occurs with slower kinetics and a
higher frequency of mutagenesis.
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Monitoring DNA replication following
UV-induced damage in Escherichia coli
Courcelle CT; Courcelle J
Methods Enz (2006) 409:425-41
Abstract: The question of how replication accurately
copies the genomic template in the presence of DNA damage has
been intensely studied for more than forty years. A large
number of genes have been characterized that, when mutated, are
known to impair the ability of the cell to replicate in the
presence of DNA damage. This article describes three
techniques that can be used to monitor the progression,
degradation, and structural properties of replication forks
following UV-induced DNA damage in Escherichia coli.
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Nucleotide excision repair or Pol
V-mediated lesion bypass can act to restore UV-arrested
replication forks in Escherichia coli
Courcelle CT; Belle JJ; Courcelle J
J Bact (2005) 187:6953-61
Abstract: Nucleotide excision repair
and translesion DNA synthesis are two processes that operate
at arrested replication forks to reduce the frequency of
recombination and promote cell survival following UV-induced
DNA damage. While nucleotide excision repair is
generally considered to be error-free, translesion synthesis
can result in mutations, making it important to identify the
order and conditions that determine when each process is
recruited to the arrested fork. We show here that at early
times following UV irradiation, the recovery of DNA synthesis
occurs through nucleotide excision repair of the lesion.
In the absence of repair or when the repair capacity of the
cell has been exceeded, translesion synthesis by Pol V allows
DNA synthesis to resume and is required to protect the
arrested replication fork from degradation. Pol II and
Pol IV do not contribute detectably to survival, mutagenesis,
or restoration of DNA synthesis suggesting that, in vivo,
these polymerases are not functionally redundant with Pol V at
UV-induced lesions. We discuss a model in which cells
first use DNA repair to process replication-arresting UV
lesions before resorting to mutagenic pathways such as
translesion DNA synthesis to bypass these impediments to
replication progression.
Recs preventing wrecks
Courcelle J
- Mutat Res (2005) 577:217-27
- Abstract: The asexual cell cycle of E. coli produces two
genetically identical clones of the parental cell through
processive, semiconservative replication of the chromosome. When
this process is prematurely disrupted by DNA damage, several
recF pathway gene products play critical roles processing the
arrested replication fork, allowing it to resume and complete
its task. In contrast, when E.
coli cultures are starved for thymine, these same gene
products play a detrimental role, allowing replication to become
unregulated and highly recombinagenic, resulting in lethality
after prolonged starvation. Here, I briefly review the
experimental observations that suggest how RecF maintains
replication in the presence of DNA damage and discuss how this
function may relate to the events that lead to a loss of
viability during thymine starvation.
replication travels on damaged templates: bumps and blocks in
the road
Courcelle CT; Belle JJ;
Courcelle J
Res Microbiol (2004) 55:231-7
- Abstract: Escherichia coli can
accurately replicate their genome even when it contains
hundreds of damaged bases. In this situation, processes such
as DNA repair, translesion DNA synthesis, and recombination
all contribute to the cell's ability to successfully complete
this task. However, under conditions when these reactions go
awry, these same processes can result in cell lethality,
mutagenesis, or genetic instability. In order to understand
the molecular events that can lead this normally faithful
duplication of the genome to become less than perfect, it is
essential to define the substrates and conditions when each of
these processes are recruited to the replication fork.
RecG or RuvAB is not
required for the resumption of replication following UV
irradiation Escherichia coli
Donaldson JR; Courcelle CT; Courcelle J
Genetics (2004)166:1631-40
- Abstract: Ultraviolet light induces DNA lesions that
block the progression of the replication machinery. Several
models speculate that the resumption of replication following
disruption by UV-induced DNA damage requires regression of the
nascent DNA or migration of the replication machinery away
from the blocking lesion to allow repair or bypass of the
lesion to occur. Both RuvAB and RecG catalyze branch migration
of three- and four-stranded DNA junctions in vitro and
are proposed to catalyze fork regression in vivo. To
examine this possibility, we characterized the recovery of DNA
synthesis in ruvAB and recG mutants. We find
that in the absence of either RecG or RuvAB, arrested
replication forks are maintained and DNA synthesis resumes
with kinetics that are similar to that in wild-type cells. The
data presented here indicate that RecG- or RuvAB-catalyzed
fork regression is not essential for DNA synthesis to resume
following arrest by UV-induced DNA damage in vivo.
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RecO acts with RecF and RecR
to protect and maintain replication forks blocked by
UV-induced DNA damage in Escherichia coli
Chow KC; Courcelle J
J Biol Chem. (2004) 279:3492-6
- Abstract: In Escherichia coli, recF and recR are
required to stabilize and maintain replication forks arrested
by UV-induced DNA damage. In the absence of RecF, replication
fails to recover and the nascent lagging strand of the
arrested replication fork is extensively degraded by the RecQ
helicase and RecJ nuclease. recO mutants are epistatic with
recF and recR with respect to recombination and survival
assays following DNA damage. In this study, we show that RecO
functions with RecF and RecR to protect the nascent lagging
strand of arrested replication forks following UV-irradiation.
In the absence of RecO, the nascent DNA at arrested
replication forks is extensively degraded and replication
fails to recover. The extent of nascent DNA degradation is
equivalent in single, double, or triple mutants of recF, recO,
or recR and the degradation is dependent on RecJ and RecQ
functions. Since RecF has been shown to protect the nascent
lagging strand from degradation, these observations indicate
that RecR and RecO function with RecF to protect the same
nascent strand of the arrested replication fork and are likely
to act at a common point during the recovery process. We
discuss these results in relation to the biochemical and
cellular properties of RecF, RecO, and RecR and their
potential role in loading RecA filaments to maintain the
replication fork structure following the arrest of replication
by UV-induced DNA damage.
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RecA-dependent recovery of
arrested DNA replication forks
Courcelle J; Hanawalt PC
Annu Rev Genet. (2003) 37:611-46
- Abstract: DNA damage encountered during the cellular
process of chromosomal replication can disrupt the replication
machinery and result in mutagenesis or lethality. The RecA
protein of Escherichia coli is essential for survival in this
situation: It maintains the integrity of the arrested
replication fork and signals the upregulation of over 40 gene
products, of which most are required to restore the genomic
template and to facilitate the resumption of processive
replication. Although RecA was originally discovered as a gene
product that was required to change the genetic information
during sexual cell cycles, over three decades of research have
revealed that it is also the key enzyme required to maintain
the genetic information when DNA damage is encountered during
replication in asexual cell cycles. In this review, we examine
the significant experimental approaches that have led to our
current understanding of the RecA-mediated processes that
restore replication following encounters with DNA damage.
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DNA damage-induced
replication fork regression and processing in Escherichia
Courcelle J; Donaldson JR; Chow KH; Courcelle CT
Science, 2003 299(5609):1064-7.
- Abstract: DNA lesions that block replication are a
primary cause of rearrangements, mutations, and lethality in
all cells. After ultraviolet (UV)-induced DNA damage in
Escherichia coli, replication recovery requires RecA and
several other recF pathway proteins. To characterize the
mechanism by which lesion-blocked replication forks recover,
we used two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis to show
that replication-blocking DNA lesions induce a transient
reversal of the replication fork in vivo. The reversed
replication fork intermediate is stabilized by RecA and RecF
and is degraded by the RecQ-RecJ helicase-nuclease when these
proteins are absent. We propose that fork regression allows
repair enzymes to gain access to the replication-blocking
lesion, allowing processive replication to resume once the
blocking lesion is removed.
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- Highlight:
- Rec'd and repaired
- LeBrasseur N. Journal of Cell Biology (2003)
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Answering the Call: Coping with DNA
Damage at theMost Inopportune Time
Crowley DJ; Courcelle J
Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, (2002) 2(2): 66-74.
- Abstract: DNA damage incurred during the process of
chromosomal replication has a particularly high possibility of
resulting in mutagenesisor lethality for the cell. The SOS
response of Escherichia coli appears to be well
adapted for this particular situation and involves the
coordinated up-regulation of genes whose products center upon
the tasks of maintaining the integrity of the replication fork
when it encounters DNA damage, delaying the replication
process (a DNA damage checkpoint), repairing the DNA lesions
or allowing replication to occur over these DNA lesions, and
then restoring processive replication before the SOS response
itself is turned off. Recent advances in the fields of
genomics and biochemistry has given a much more comprehensive
picture of the timing and coordination of events which allow
cells to deal with potentially lethal or mutagenic DNA lesions
at the time of chromosomal replication.
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Requirement for Uracil-DNA Glycosylase
during the Transition to Late-Phase Cytomegalovirus DNA
Courcelle CT; Courcelle J; Prichard MN; Mocarski ES
Journal of Virology, 2001 Aug, 75(16): 7592-7601.
- Abstract: Cytomegalovirus gene UL114, a homolog of
mammalian uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG), is required for
efficient viral DNA replication. In quiescent fibroblasts, UNG
mutant virus replication is delayed for 48 h and follows the
virus-induced expression of cellular UNG. In contrast, mutant
virus replication proceeds without delay in actively growing
fibroblasts that express host cell UNG. In the absence of
viral or host cell UNG expression, mutant virus fails to
proceed to late-phase DNA replication, characterized by rapid
DNA amplification. The data suggest that uracil incorporated
early during wild-type viral DNA replication must be removed
by virus or host UNG prior to late-phase amplification and
encapsidation into progeny virions. The process of uracil
incorporation and excision may introduce strand breaks to
facilitate the transition from early-phase replication to
late-phase amplification.
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Participation of recombination proteins
in rescue of arrested replication forks in UV-irradiated Escherichia
coli need not involve recombination.
Courcelle J; Hanawalt PC
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of
America, 2001 Jul 17, 98(15): 8196-8202.
- Abstract: Alternative reproductive cycles make use of
different strategies to generate different reproductive
products. In Escherichia coli, recA and several other rec
genes are required for the generation of recombinant genomes
during Hfr conjugation. During normal asexual reproduction,
many of these same genes are needed to generate clonal
products from UV-irradiated cells. However, unlike
conjugation, this latter process also requires the function of
the nucleotide excision repair genes. Following UV
irradiation, the recovery of DNA replication requires uvrA and
uvrC, as well as recA, recF, and recR. The rec genes appear to
be required to protect and maintain replication forks that are
arrested at DNA lesions, based on the extensive degradation of
the nascent DNA that occurs in their absence. The products of
the recJ and recQ genes process the blocked replication forks
before the resumption of replication and may affect the
fidelity of the recovery process. We discuss a model in which
several rec gene products process replication forks ar-rested
by DNA damage to facilitate the repair of the blocking DNA
lesions by nucleotide excision repair, thereby allowing
processive replication to resume with no need for strand
exchanges or recombination. The poor survival of cellular
populations that depend on recombinational pathways (compared
with that in their excision repair proficient counterparts)
suggests that at least some of the rec genes may be designed
to function together with nucleotide excision repair in a
common and predominant pathway by which cells faithfully
recover replication and survive following UV-induced DNA
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Therefore, what are recombination
proteins there for?
Courcelle J; Ganesan AK; Hanawalt PC
BioEssays 23:463-470, May 2001
- Abstract: The order of discovery can have a profound
effect upon the way in which we think about the function of a
gene. In E. coli, recA is nearly essential for cell survival
in the presence of DNA damage. However, recA was originally
identified, as a gene required to obtain recombinant DNA
molecules in conjugating bacteria. As a result, it has been
frequently assumed that recA promotes the survival of bacteria
containing DNA damage by recombination in which DNA strand
exchanges occur. We now know that several of the processes
that interact with or are controlled by recA, such as excision
repair and translesion synthesis, operate to ensure that DNA
replication occurs processively without strand exchanges. Yet
the view persists in the literature that recA functions
primarily to promote recombination during DNA repair. With the
benefit of hindsight and more than three decades of additional
research, we reexamine some of the classical experiments that
established the concept of DNA repair by recombination, and we
consider the possibilities that recombination is not an
efficient mechanism for rescuing damaged cells, and that recA
may be important for maintaining processive replication in a
manner that does not generally promote recombination.
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- Editorial:
- Gene names: the approaching end of a century-long dilemma
- Wilkins A.S. BioEssays 23:377-378 May 2001
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Comparative gene expression profiles
following UV exposure in wild type and SOS deficient
Escherichia coli.
Courcelle J; Khodursky A; Peter B; Brown PO;
Hanawalt PC
Genetics 158: 41-64 May 2001
- Abstract: The SOS response in UV-irradiated Escherichia
includes the upregulation of several dozen genes that are
negatively regulated by the LexA repressor. Using DNA
microarrays containing amplified DNA fragments from 95.5% of
all open reading frames identified on the E. coli chromosome,
we have examined the changes in gene expression following UV
exposure in both wild-type cells and lexA1 mutants,
which are unable to induce genes under LexA control. We report
here the time courses of expression of the genes surrounding
the 26 documented lexA-regulated regions on the E.
coli chromosome. We observed 17 additional sites that
responded in a lexA-dependent manner and a large
number of genes that were upregulated in a lexA-independent
manner although upregulation in this manner was generally not
more than twofold. In addition, several transcripts were
either downregulated or degraded following UV irradiation.
These newly identified UV-responsive genes are discussed with
respect to their possible roles in cellular recovery following
exposure to UV irradiation.
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to Raw Microarray data Genetics 158: 41-64 May
RecQ and RecJ Process Blocked
Replication Forks Prior to the Resumption of Replication in
UV-Irradiated Escherichia coli.
Courcelle J; Hanawalt PC
Molecular and General Genetics, 1999 Nov 262(3):543-51
- Abstract: The accurate recovery of replication
following DNA damage and repair is critical to maintaining
genomic integrity. In Escherichia coli, the recovery of
replication following UV-induced DNA damage is dependent upon
several proteins in the recF pathway, including RecF,
RecO, and RecR. Two other recF pathway proteins, the
RecQ helicase and the RecJ exonuclease, have been shown to
affect the sites and frequencies at which illegitimate
rearrangements occur following UV-induced DNA damage,
suggesting that they also may function during the recovery of
replication. We show here that RecQ and RecJ process the
nascent DNA at blocked replication forks prior to the
resumption of DNA synthesis. The processing involves selective
degradation of the nascent lagging DNA strand and it requires
both RecQ and RecJ. We suggest that this processing may serve
to lengthen the substrate that can be recognized and
stabilized by the RecA protein at the replication fork,
thereby helping to assure the accurate recovery of replication
after the obstructing lesion has been repaired.
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Recovery of DNA replication in
UV-irradiated Escherichia coli requires both
excision repair and recF protein function.
Courcelle J; Crowley DJ; Hanawalt PC.
Journal of Bacteriology, 1999 Feb, 181(3):916-22.
- Abstract: After UV doses that disrupt DNA
replication, the recovery of replication at replication forks
in Escherichia coli requires a functional copy of the recF
gene. In recF mutants, replication fails to recover and
extensive degradation of the nascent DNA occurs, suggesting
that recF function is needed to stabilize the disrupted
replication forks and facilitate the process of recovery. We
show here that the ability of recF to promote the recovery of
replication requires that the disrupting lesions be removed.
In the absence of excision repair, recF+ cells protect the
nascent DNA at replication forks, but replication does not
resume. The classical view is that recombination proteins
operate in pathways that are independent from DNA repair, and
therefore the functions of Rec proteins have been studied in
repair-deficient cells. However, mutations in either uvr or
recF result in failure to recover replication at UV doses from
which wild-type cells recover efficiently, suggesting that
recF and excision repair contribute to a common pathway in the
recovery of replication.
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and recR are required for the resumption of
replication at DNA replication forks in Escherichia coli.
Courcelle J; Carswell-Crumpton C; Hanawalt PC.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of
America, 1997 Apr 15, 94(8):3714-9.
- Abstract: Escherichia coli containing a mutation in
recF are hypersensitive to UV. However, they exhibit normal
levels of conjugational or transductional recombination unless
the major pathway (recBC) is defective. This implies that the
UV sensitivity of recF mutants is not due to a defect in
recombination such as occurs during conjugation or
transduction. Here, we show that when replication is
disrupted, at least two genes in the recF pathway, recF and
recR, are required for the resumption of replication at DNA
replication forks, and that in their absence, localized
degradation occurs at the replication forks. Our observations
support a model in which recF and recR are required to
reassemble a replication holoenzyme at the site of a DNA
replication fork. These results, when taken together with
previous literature, suggest that the UV hypersensitivity of
recF cells is due to an inability to resume replication at
disrupted replication forks rather than to a defect in
recombination. Current biochemical and genetic data on the
conditions under which recF-mediated recombination occurs
suggest that the recombinational intermediate also may mimic
the structure of a disrupted replication fork.
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- Commentary:
- Is recF a DNA replication protein?
- Kogoma T. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America, 1997 Apr 15,
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Kinetics of pyrimidine(6-4)pyrimidone
photoproduct repair in Escherichia coli.
Koehler DR; Courcelle J; Hanawalt PC.
Journal of Bacteriology, 1996 Mar, 178(5):1347-50.
- Abstract: We compared the removal of
pyrimidine(6-4)pyrimidone photoproducts [(6-4) photoproducts]
and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) from the genome of
repair-proficient Escherichia coli, using monoclonal
antibodies specific for each type of lesion. We found that
(6-4) photoproducts were removed at a higher rate than CPDs in
the first 30 min following a moderate UV dose (40 J/m2). The
difference in rates was less than that typically reported for
cultured mammalian cells, in which the removal of (6-4)
photoproducts is far more rapid than that of CPDs.
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Analysis of a feline immunodeficiency
virus provirus reveals patterns of gene sequence conservation
distinct from human immunodeficiency virus type1.
Sodora DL; Courcelle J; Brojatsch J; Berson A; Wang
YC; Dow SW; Hoover EA;
Mullins JI.
Aids Research and Human Retroviruses, 1995 Apr,
Thymine ring saturation and
fragmentation products: lesion bypass, misinsertion and
implications for mutagenesis.
Evans J; Maccabee M; Hatahet Z; Courcelle J;
Bockrath R; Ide H; Wallace S.
- Mutation Research, 1993 May, 299(3-4):147-56.
- Abstract: We have used thymine glycol and
dihydrothymine as representative ring saturation products
resulting from free-radical interaction with DNA pyrimidines,
and urea glycosides and beta-ureidoisobutyric acid (UBA) as
models for pyrimidine-ring fragmentation products. We have
shown that thymine glycol and the ring-fragmentation products
urea and beta-ureidoisobutyric acid, as well as abasic sites,
are strong blocks to DNA polymerases in vitro. In contrast,
dihydrothymine is not a block to any of the polymerases
tested. For thymine glycol, termination sites were observed
opposite the putative lesions, whereas for the
ring-fragmentation products, the termination sites were
primarily one base prior to the lesion. These and other data
have suggested that thymine glycol codes for an A, and that a
base is stably inserted opposite the damage, whereas when a
base is inserted opposite the non-coding lesions, it is
removed by the 3-->5 exonuclease activity of DNA polymerase
I. Despite their efficiency as blocking lesions, thymine
glycol, urea and UBA can be bypassed at low frequency in
certain specific sequence contexts. When the model lesions
were introduced individually into single-stranded biologically
active DNA, we found that thymine glycol, urea,
beta-ureidoisobutyric acid, and abasic sites were all lethal
lesions having an activation efficiency of 1, whereas
dihydrothymine was not. Thus the in vitro studies predicted
the in vivo results. When the survival of biologically active
single-stranded DNA was examined in UV-induced Escherichia
coli cells where the block to replication was released, no
increase in survival was observed for DNA containing urea or
abasic sites, suggesting inefficient bypass of these lesions.
In contrast, beta-ureidoisobutyric acid survival was slightly
enhanced, and transfecting DNA containing thymine glycols was
significantly reactivated. When mutation induction by unique
lesions was measured using f1-K12 hybrid DNA containing an E.
coli target gene, thymine glycols and dihydrothymine were
found to be inefficient as premutagenic lesions, suggesting
that in vivo, as in vitro, they primarily code for A. In
contrast, urea and beta-ureidoisobutyric acid were efficient
premutagenic lesions, with beta-ureidoisobutyric acid being
about 4-5-fold more effective than urea glycosides, which have
approximately the same rate of mutation induction as abasic
sites from purines. Sequence analysis of the mutations
resulting from these ring-fragmentation products shows that
the mutations produced are both lesion and sequence context
dependent. The possible roles that bypass efficiency and
lesion-directed misinsertion might play in mutagenesis are

Phil Hanawalt, Justin Courcelle, and Susan Wallace
- 1996 Gordon Conference on Mutagenesis, Plymouth NH
J Courcelle 1999 (PhD)
CS Tan 2000 (PhD)
KH Chow 2004 (Masters)
JR Donaldson 2005 (PhD)
JJ Belle 2007 (PhD)
KR Ona 2009 (Masters)
E Michel-Marks 2011
N Savic 2012 (Undergrad
K Newton 2012 (Masters)
A Jeiranian 2012 (PhD)
B Anderson 2013 (Undergrad
M Sadek 2014 (Undergrad
McNair Scholar)
AV Perera 2015 (Masters)
DD Divingstone 2015
(Undergrad Honors)
C Hutfilz 2017 (Undergrad
JM Cole 2018 (Masters)
BM Wendel 2018 (PhD)
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S Schmidt 2020 (Undergrad
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Shimpi 2023 (Undergrad Honors)
T Worley
2023 (Masters)
Mokhtari 2024 (Masters)