Change Tuplets



How to get there

Click the Selection Tool  image\Selection_Tool.gif, and select a region of music. From the Change submenu of the Utilities Menu, choose Tuplets.

What it does

In this dialog box you can change the definition of both the rhythmic and visual aspects of tuplets—the number of eighth notes that are to be played in the time of a quarter note, for example—and whether or not a bracket or slur should appear, and so on. The settings in this box are identical to the Tuplet Definition dialog box, except that these settings allow you to select, deselect or retain current settings (greyed out).

Note that you can predefine the default visual aspects of the tuplets in your score, so that every tuplet you create automatically appears with a neatly positioned bracket (for example). To do so, ctrl-click the Tuplet Tool; Finale displays Document Options-Tuplets, where you can specify these parameters. (See Document Options-Tuplets for a more complete discussion—although its contents are identical to almost all of this dialog box.)

Note also that you can store tuplet "definitions"—the settings you make in this dialog box—in a tuplet Metatool, so that you can instantly transform non-tuplet notes into tuplet notes (having the tuplet definition you prefer) with the press of a key. In fact, you can assign a different set of Tuplet Definition settings to each of the number and letter keys on your keyboard. To program a tuplet Metatool, see Tuplet Tool.

When you create a new tuplet, Finale usually places a number over it (such as the 3 above a triplet). In this dialog box, you can change the tuplet notation for each individual notation; for example, you could tell Finale to display a slur or bracket in addition to the number.

For example, suppose you want to create an eighth-note triplet. In the score, click the Tuplet Tool, and click the first of the three normal eighth notes you want to transform into triplets. When this dialog box appears, enter 3 and 2 in the text boxes ("3 in the space of 2"); choose eighths from the drop-down list: 3 eighths in the space of 2 eighths. (Alternatively, you could create an eighth-note triplet by specifying 3 eighths in the space of 1 quarter.) These text boxes apply only to the tuplet you’re currently placing in the score.


See Also:


Utilities Menu

Tuplet Tool

Tuplet Definition diaog box

Document Options-Tuplets

