Spotlight is a system-wide desktop search feature of the Mac OS X operating system introduced in version 10.4 (see for Apple's Leopard Features for details).The Finale Spotlight plug-in supports the following standard Spotlight attributes:
This is the "Modified/Application" information in the File Info Dialog.
The composer, as entered in the File Info Dialog box.
The is the copyright entered in the File Info Dialog.
This is the description entered in the File Info Dialog.
Duration (in seconds)
This is the duration, in seconds, of the file. Entering 10.5 represents media whose content is 10 and 1/2 seconds long.
Fonts (used in document)
List of font names used in the file.
Key Signature
This is the key signature of the first measure in the file. Currently only standard key signatures are supported. For example: C, Dm, F#m, Bb.
This is the lyricist as entered in the File Info Dialog Box
Number of Pages
Number of pages in the document
Page Height
Height of the first page of the document in points (72 points per inch).
Page Width
Width of the first page of the document in points (72 points per inch) Title
The title as entered in the File Info Dialog box
This is the tempo listed in the playback controls.
Text Content
Currently, this searches the lyrics (if any) in a file.
Time Signature
This is the time signature of the first measure in the file, for example: "4/4", "7/8".
Support for the following Finale-Specific attributes:
This is the arranger as entered in the File Info Dialog box
Default Music Font
Default Music Font in the file
Solo Staff
Solo staff as listed in the SmartMusic Accompaniment Options dialog Box
List of the full staff names in the document
Subtitle as listed in the File Info Dialog Box.
How to use Spotlight with Finale
To find, for example, all Finale files composed by Bach: