
Multiple Undo and Redo are available from the Edit Menu. Every action taken that modifies your music can be undone sequentially, in the reverse order in which you took action. The amount of changes that can be undone is only limited by the free disk space on your computer. This space is freed up when you quit Finale. These actions are also available from the Edit Menu Toolbar.

To undo the last change or a series of changes to your document

  1. Choose Undo from the Edit Menu or type command-Z. You cannot select Undo if you have not performed any actions that modified the current document.
  2. To continue undoing changes, choose Undo from the Edit Menu or type command-Z repeatedly.

To undo a series of changes up to a specified point

  1. Choose Undo/Redo Lists from the Edit Menu or type command-shift-Z. The Undo/Redo Lists dialog box appears.
  2. Select the last change that you want to undo from the list on the left. Finale will highlight all the actions that will be undone from the point you selected.
  3. Click OK. Finale will undo all the highlighted actions in the list.

To re-apply changes to your document using redo

You cannot redo an action unless you have already selected Undo.

  1. Choose Redo from the Edit Menu or type command-Y.
  2. To continue redoing changes, choose Redo from the Edit Menu or type command-Y repeatedly.

To redo a series of changes up to a specified point

  1. Choose Undo/Redo Lists from the Edit Menu or type command-shift-Z. The Undo/Redo Lists dialog box appears.
  2. Select the last change that you want to redo from the list on the right. Finale will highlight all the actions that will be redone from the point you selected.
  3. Click OK. Finale will redo all the highlighted actions in the list.

To allow undo actions previous to saving a file

  1. Choose Program Options from the Finale 2009 > Preferences Submenu Menu and select Edit. The Program Options dialog box appears with the Edit Options available.
  2. Select Allow Undo Past Save. This will allow Finale to continue tracking undo actions even though you have saved your document.
  3. Click OK. You return to the document.
