A trill is often notated with two symbols: the indication and a wavy extension line (~) that indicates the length of the trill. Both components of a trill are available as Smart Shapes and Articulations. If you’ve loaded an Articulations library into your file (or if your Maestro Font Default file is in place), you don’t have to create the markings anew. See also “Engraver Font - "Trill to” Noteheads and Smart Playback.
To create a trill or trill extension line (wavy line)
To create a small accidental on a trill marking
To let the player know which notes are to be trilled, a small accidental, sometimes in parentheses, is often placed next to the symbol . (This tells the player to raise or lower the written pitch by a half step for the trill.) This symbol, too, is an Articulation; see Articulations. See also “Engraver Font - "Trill to” Noteheads.
To define a trill marking for playback
Trills defined with one of the default trill articulations playback automatically if Human Playback is enabled in the Playback Controls. See Playback Controls for details. If Human playback is disabled, you can apply playback to trills using the TGTools Smart Playback plug-in.