To adjust the position of an individual staff name, select the staff name’s handle, then choose Full Staff Names or Abbreviated Staff Names from the Position Names submenu. The Position Full Staff Name or Position Abbreviated Staff Name dialog box appears, where you can adjust the position of the staff name, relative to the staff. Or, simply drag the staff name handle to adjust the position on-screen. For details, see Position Full and Abbreviated Staff Names dialog boxes.
To adjust the position of an individual group name, select the group’s handle, then choose Full Group Names or Abbreviated Group Names from the Position Names submenu. The Position Full Group Name or Position Abbreviated Group Name dialog box appears, where you can adjust the position of the group name, which is vertically centered between the first and last staves in the group. Or, simply drag the group handle to adjust the position on-screen.
Note: When you change the individual position of a staff or group name by dragging the name on-screen or by using a Position command, Finale automatically selects the Position checkbox in the Staff Attributes dialog box or the Group Attributes dialog box. This means that the special positioning will apply only to this staff name or group name wherever it appears in the document. To use the global, default positioning for the name, click the Position checkbox in the Staff Attributes dialog box or the Group Attributes dialog box to remove the selection. Or, simply select the staff name handle or group handle on-screen, and press clear.
See Also: