How to get there
Click the Resize Tool
. In Page View, click the upper-left corner of a page (or anywhere completely outside a staff system).
Or, click on the Page Layout Tool. From
the Page Layout Menu, choose Resize Pages.
What it does
This dialog box lets you specify how much
you want to reduce or enlarge all the music (as well as text and expressions)
on a page of your score (or many pages); if you wish, you can also change
the actual page dimensions in the process.
- Resize
Page to ___%. The number in this text box specifies how much you
want to resize the page, expressed as a percentage of the original full
- Hold
Margins. If you select this item, you won’t actually change the
dimensions of the page itself, only the music itself. The result is that
a different amount of music will fit on a page. (Be sure to choose Update
Layout from the Edit Menu when you’re finished, so you can see the effects
of your resizing on the number of measures that fit on a line.) See Resize Staff System dialog box for an illustration.
- Current
Part or Score • Selected Parts/Score • All Parts • All Parts and Score;
Select. Choose Current Part or Score to apply changes to the score
or part that is currently active in the document window. Choose Selected
Parts/Score and click Select to open the Select Parts/Score dialog box
where you can choose to apply changes to any combination of the score
and/or parts. Choose All parts to apply changes to all parts and All Parts
and Score to apply changes to the full project - all parts and the score.
- Page
___ Through ___ • Page ___ Through End of Piece. These options
let you specify what range of pages you want to resize.
- Update
Page Format. When selected, Finale automatically updates the page
size percentage in the Page Format for Score dialog box (Document Menu)
to the current setting in the Resize Page dialog box.
- Cancel
• OK. Click OK to confirm, or Cancel to discard, your reduction
or enlargement specifications. You return to the score. (If you clicked
OK, be sure to choose Update Layout from the Edit Menu to correct any
uneven measure spacing introduced by the resizing.)
Tip: Numbers greater
than 100 enlarge it, and numbers less than 100 reduce it.
See Also:
Page Layout