Measure Number



How to get there

Click the Measure Tool  image\Measure_Tool.gif and select Edit Regions from the Measure Numbers submenu of the Measure Menu.

What it does

From the Measure Number dialog box, you can create new measure number regions (which may overlap), cycle through each region in your score, and display and change settings for regions. It’s easy to set up measure numbers, edit their appearance, hide or show them, and position them in the score. A popup list provides common measure numbering styles—1, 2, 3….a, b, c…, and so on—without requiring you to type in several settings to define the style; and if you prefer, you can create your own style. Options for selecting enclosures are available, and you can select common enclosure shapes from a popup list.

Tip: Select one of these options if you’ve optimized your score so that all resting staves are removed from the staff systems in Page View. That way, if you want a measure number to appear in the score above the top staff, or on the bottom staff, one will always appear, even if measure numbers are normally turned off for that staff.

Tip: Select one of these options if you’ve optimized your score so that all resting staves are removed from the staff systems in Page View. That way, if you want a measure number to appear in the score above the top staff, or on the bottom staff, one will always appear, even if measure numbers are normally turned off for that staff.

See Also:

Measure numbers

Measure Number Style

Enclosure Designer

Position Measure Number

Measure Tool

