Program Options-Edit



How to get there

From the Finale 2009 Menu, choose Preferences then Program Options and select Edit.

What it does

Here, specify undo settings, settings for movable items and font annotation.

You’re already familiar with inches and centimeters. Points and picas are typographical measurements; there are 72 points per inch, and 12 points in a pica. EVPU stands for ENIGMA Virtual Page Unit, of which there are 288 per inch.

Select spaces when you want Finale to display spaces as the measurement unit in all the dialog boxes. Although one space is defined as the distance between staff lines, in Finale one space is equal to 24 EVPUs (which is Finale’s default distance between staff lines). Note also that one half-space equals one step, which is one line or space in a staff.

You can override your global choice on a case-by-case basis, however. Just include the units, or their abbreviation, when you type any measurement number into Finale. For example, suppose you’ve selected Inches as your global unit of measurement. When you’re telling Finale how thick you’d like your slurs to be, however, inches may be slightly unwieldy for such a fine adjustment. Therefore, you might type “2 pt.” Finale will automatically convert what you’ve entered into inches.

Warning: Deselecting this checkbox will throw away the undo list. You CANNOT use this option to pick and choose which actions to record in the undo list.

Note: Constrained dragging is temporarily disabled while slurs are being edited. Use Shift to enable it while editing slurs.

Warning: Deselecting the Allow Undo checkbox will throw away the undo list. You CANNOT use this option to pick and choose which actions to record in the undo list.


See Also:

Edit Menu

Font Annotation

Finale 2009 Menu/Program Options

