Document Options-Clefs



How to get there

From the Document Menu, choose Document Options and select Clefs.

What it does

Finale treats each clef intelligently, correctly renotating the music that follows it. Use these options to specify when to display clefs, modify clef spacing, configure settings for clef changes, load and save clef libraries, and design your own clefs. Finale supplies you with eighteen standard clefs for use in your pieces.

The number in the Percent Reduction text box specifies the default size of an inserted clef (one that appears in mid-staff), expressed as a percentage of full size. The default value is 75%. (You can override this default reduction on a case-by-case basis. See Clef Tool.)

The number in the Offset text box sets the distance between an inserted clef and the barline it precedes:

This offset applies only to “single” Finale clefs—those that appear just before the left barline of the measure they’re to modify. (Contrast with mid-measure clefs, which can appear anywhere in a measure.) The default value is –.028 inches (a negative number, because it’s being measured leftward from the barline).

See Also:


Clef Tool

Clef Designer

Document Menu/Document Options

