How to get there
Click the Mirror Tool , then click an empty measure; the Tilting Mirror dialog
box appears. Assemble a composite mirror by clicking the arrow buttons
to maneuver your "window" from measure to measure in the score,
dragging the dotted-line "cut bar" handles
inward to enclose the desired notes, clicking Next, and saving your changes;
repeat this process as needed. Click OK, then click Rebeam, then click
Rebeam to Beam Chart.
If a mirror already exists in the score, shift-click it; the Mirror Attributes dialog box appears. Click Rebeam, then click Rebeam to Beam Chart.
What it does
Using the cut bars as described above, you can assemble a measure composed of notes copied from other measures in the score. The resultant measure is a composite mirror, whose notes are dynamically linked to the "real" notes from which they were copied. Because you build a composite mirror by combining material from other measures, the beaming of eighth notes (and smaller values) may not be correct. The Beaming Chart dialog box lets you specify the beaming in a composite mirror.
See Also: