Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) is a computer
graphics format. Because an EPS file contains the full PostScript description
of its contents, it will print with the greatest resolution possible on
a laser printer or other PostScript device, even if it’s pasted into another
program. If you’re using Finale in conjunction with a graphics, page-layout,
or word-processing program, use this technique to transfer music from
To create
an EPS file
Use the Export Pages or the Export Selection
commands in the Graphics Menu. See Graphics.
instructions for printing from Finale with imported EPS files
- You must have a PostScript capable printer.
Check your printer manual for details.
- The printer driver must be set to Optimize
for Portability. Exit Finale. Click Start, Settings, Printers. Right-click
on your printer driver and select Properties. Select the PostScript tab
and set the “PostScript output format” to “Optimize for Portability” ADSC.
Click Apply, then OK.
- The line “OwnPS=0” must be added to the Finale.ini
file. Exit Finale. Open the Finale.ini file in the Finale 2009 folder
with Notepad. In the [Settings] section, add the following line, without
quotes, “OwnPS=0”. Save and exit Notepad.