Alteration for Slot



How to get there

Click the Note Mover Tool  image\Note_Mover_Tool.gif and click a measure; a handle appears on every notehead. Select a handle by clicking it, several handles by shift-clicking (or drag-enclosing) them, or all notes in the measure by choosing Select All from the Edit Menu; choose Search and Replace from the Note Mover Menu; and click one of the criterion buttons (In All Octaves, In Selected Octave Only and Match Durations).

What it does

Finale’s Search and Replace command has several uses, including transforming a given pitch to its enharmonic equivalent or editing a recurrent motif throughout a score. The Alteration for Slot dialog box lets you specify how you want each occurrence (of a note or a motif) modified.

Note: if you selected several notes, you can transpose all of them by choosing Set All.

See Also:

Search and Replace

Search and Replace dialog box 

Note Mover Tool

